Sunday, 30 July 2006

The Good News of the Kingdom

Last night at church the topic was the Good News concerning JESUS: how that He is coming back one day to judge the wicked; that there shall be a resurrection of the dead - some to damnation and others to eternal life; and that the way to obtain salvation and to enter His Kingdom was made available to us all through the Cross of Jesus. A number of people repented and believed on His Name tonight.
The Good News of the Kingdom

Last night at church the topic was the Good News concerning JESUS: how that He is coming back one day to judge the wicked; that there shall be a resurrection of the dead - some to damnation and others to eternal life; and that the way to obtain salvation and to enter His Kingdom was made available to us all through the Cross of Jesus. A number of people repented and believed on His Name tonight.
The Good News of the Kingdom

Last night at church the topic was the Good News concerning JESUS: how that He is coming back one day to judge the wicked; that there shall be a resurrection of the dead - some to damnation and others to eternal life; and that the way to obtain salvation and to enter His Kingdom was made available to us all through the Cross of Jesus. A number of people repented and believed on His Name tonight.

Saturday, 29 July 2006

The Young Virgin Who Pleases the King

Beryl celebrated her 80th birthday. At the party last night, Peter Clyburn asked God for His Word for Beryl, and he was led to read Esther 2:2-4, where it says, "...and let the young virgin which pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti..." We all had no doubt that like the young virgin in this verse, Beryl pleases the Lord. She is such a beautiful person. It was a great delight to share the evening with her and all her honoured guests. Truly God loves those who love Him with all their heart!
The Young Virgin Who Pleases the King

Beryl celebrated her 80th birthday. At the party last night, Peter Clyburn asked God for His Word for Beryl, and he was led to read Esther 2:2-4, where it says, "...and let the young virgin which pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti..." We all had no doubt that like the young virgin in this verse, Beryl pleases the Lord. She is such a beautiful person. It was a great delight to share the evening with her and all her honoured guests. Truly God loves those who love Him with all their heart!
The Young Virgin Who Pleases the King

Beryl celebrated her 80th birthday. At the party last night, Peter Clyburn asked God for His Word for Beryl, and he was led to read Esther 2:2-4, where it says, "...and let the young virgin which pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti..." We all had no doubt that like the young virgin in this verse, Beryl pleases the Lord. She is such a beautiful person. It was a great delight to share the evening with her and all her honoured guests. Truly God loves those who love Him with all their heart!

Thursday, 27 July 2006

While Adam and I were having a time of prayer together tonight, I felt a certain type of connection to Jesus like I haven't felt in a long time. It was nice.
While Adam and I were having a time of prayer together tonight, I felt a certain type of connection to Jesus like I haven't felt in a long time. It was nice.
While Adam and I were having a time of prayer together tonight, I felt a certain type of connection to Jesus like I haven't felt in a long time. It was nice.

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Filled With All the Fulness

Every Wednesday the guys get together and have a "soak". Last night the guys laughed, cried, spoke with tongues, interpreted, saw visions, or prophesied as the Holy Spirit met with them. They also shared Communion together. It's always a great night!
Filled With All the Fulness

Every Wednesday the guys get together and have a "soak". Last night the guys laughed, cried, spoke with tongues, interpreted, saw visions, or prophesied as the Holy Spirit met with them. They also shared Communion together. It's always a great night!
Filled With All the Fulness

Every Wednesday the guys get together and have a "soak". Last night the guys laughed, cried, spoke with tongues, interpreted, saw visions, or prophesied as the Holy Spirit met with them. They also shared Communion together. It's always a great night!

Monday, 24 July 2006

Uncontrollable Laughter

I visited the D House tonight, and Paul told me: "We were touched by the Lord of joy. We laughed uncontrollably. We laughed so much we almost thought we'd have to go to hospital and they'd have to put something in us to stop us laughing." Apparently he and Zion laughed for two hours, and I think Ben got caught-up in it too. "You would have enjoyed it John", said Paul.
Uncontrollable Laughter

I visited the D House tonight, and Paul told me: "We were touched by the Lord of joy. We laughed uncontrollably. We laughed so much we almost thought we'd have to go to hospital and they'd have to put something in us to stop us laughing." Apparently he and Zion laughed for two hours, and I think Ben got caught-up in it too. "You would have enjoyed it John", said Paul.
Uncontrollable Laughter

I visited the D House tonight, and Paul told me: "We were touched by the Lord of joy. We laughed uncontrollably. We laughed so much we almost thought we'd have to go to hospital and they'd have to put something in us to stop us laughing." Apparently he and Zion laughed for two hours, and I think Ben got caught-up in it too. "You would have enjoyed it John", said Paul.