Tuesday, 7 November 2006

The Davidic Foundation

Jesus Christ and the Gospel was played-out on the stage of the nation of Israel.

Then Jesus called the apostles and told them to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel, teaching all nations to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you".

God first built a nation, gave them a Law, gave them a military mandate, blessed their health, and blessed their economy - and on this political platform, in this civil environment He introduced Jesus Christ.

It is in such a blessed, Davidic nation that the Gospel life can be lived and where the Gospel can flourish. It is difficult to live the Gospel life and to spread the Gospel in a persecuted regime. In a nation with a blessed government, laws, economy, health and prosperity - the church can flourish. The Gospel is the object - but a strong nation is the foundation.

That's why Paul exhorted believers to pray for kings, for all who are in authority, that we may be able to lead a quiet and peaceful life in all honesty and godliness.

The Gospel flourishes on a good civil foundation.

The Gospel also produces such a society.

"Go and teach all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you".

In the founding of the United States of America, the Davidic role was achieved (David fulfilled all God's will, in a political sense); and in that environment the Gospel was free to flourish.

By the same token, that Davidic role in America was birthed out of the Gospel being preached for centuries.

That's why Christ introduced the new office of apostles: because preaching the Gospel is the most important thing.

Without Christ at our foundation, nothing else has meaning; with everything else in tact (prosperity, good government, etc) the whole reason for it is so we can now live the Gospel freely - and preach it.

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