Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Use Your Faith for Personal Holiness

I've noticed that we are taught to use our faith in order to receive a variety of things from God, such as: salvation, healing, money, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But what about using our faith to overcome lingering behavioral flaws in our character? For some reason it seems we've thought that the solution is we just need to try a little harder.

But God hasn't only made provision for us to be like Jesus in external things like our ministries - He has also made free provision for us to be like Him on the inside. God hasn't only made provision for us to prosper and be in health - He has also made provision for our souls to prosper. So that means we can use our faith in order to be done with carnality and any other type of lack of victory in our lives.

Someone once said that any failure in the Christian life is really a failure in faith - because all the blessings of the Christian life are received through faith. So instead of trying to overcome in your own strength - use your faith!

How does it work? Well if it was sickness you were dealing with and you felt a symptom return, you would maintain the confession of your faith. You would say, No. I'm not accepting that as reality. The reality is, "By His stripes I was healed," then the manifest power of God backs up your confession.

In the same way, when it is a character issue you're dealing with and you feel tempted by an old weakness, do the same thing. Rather than try a little harder, maintain the confession of your faith! Believe! Say, No. That's not me - because the power of the cross has given me the victory! I have the character of Christ. And the devil will flee. It's not just a matter of will-power. It's a matter of believing.

Very often when a believer yields to temptation and sins, somewhere along the line, somewhere in the equation, there was unbelief. Very likely, at some point he caved-in and said in himself, Yeah, it's no use - I don't have the victory yet. And then he acted-out his negative belief. If we correctly label unbelief as part of the equation of our past failures - then we've identified the key to future victory.

When you think about it, trying to overcome the world (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life) through any means other than through faith, is bound to fail - because the victory is in the cross alone. Jesus Christ didn't save us through faith and then expect us to become perfected by striving in our own strength. He already knew that would be impossible. The faith that saved us is the same faith that keeps us.

Then someone may ask, But what if hereditary curses, demons or personal sin are at the root of the problem? Even if they are, all Jesus Christ ever asked anyone to do was believe. Jesus Christ never called anyone to fight the devil. He said, "Only believe." To say, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk," or to say, "Man, thy sins be forgiven thee," are six and one-half dozen: either one achieves the same thing. Jesus saw their faith - He did the forgiving.

On another occasion Jesus healed a woman in response to her faith, and then said, "Go and sin no more." Faith was all Jesus ever looked for. When we believe, God takes care of the rest. The only fight we are called to fight is the good fight of faith. "This is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith."

Now that doesn't mean you'll never have to resist the devil, rebuke a demon or cast one out - especially when you're ministering to someone else. But when the Holy Spirit leads you to do so, remember you'll be doing so on the basis of victory, from the standpoint of faith, on the basis of Christ's victory and Name, on the basis that your sins and the curse have already been dealt with on the cross - not from the angle of a person who is still legally defeated by the devil.

Make Christlike character a point of faith, just as you would prosperity or healing. Faith is always in the now, therefore say you have Christ-like character now. When the devil challenges that truth, hold fast to your confession. When you are tempted say, I have Christ's character.

This is the victory that overcomes the world. We will never achieve through striving what is already an established fact. Since it is already an established fact, we only need to believe and confess that it is so. I already have the character of Christ.

The Gospel itself (the Word, the message of the finished work on Calvary) is the power of God unto salvation - to all who believe. And that salvation includes personal holiness. God's way is always by grace through faith. Faith is the only way to receive the grace we need to walk in personal holiness and victory.

Use Your Faith for Personal Holiness

I've noticed that we are taught to use our faith in order to receive a variety of things from God, such as: salvation, healing, money, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But what about using our faith to overcome lingering behavioral flaws in our character? For some reason it seems we've thought that the solution is we just need to try a little harder.

But God hasn't only made provision for us to be like Jesus in external things like our ministries - He has also made free provision for us to be like Him on the inside. God hasn't only made provision for us to prosper and be in health - He has also made provision for our souls to prosper. So that means we can use our faith in order to be done with carnality and any other type of lack of victory in our lives.

Someone once said that any failure in the Christian life is really a failure in faith - because all the blessings of the Christian life are received through faith. So instead of trying to overcome in your own strength - use your faith!

How does it work? Well if it was sickness you were dealing with and you felt a symptom return, you would maintain the confession of your faith. You would say, No. I'm not accepting that as reality. The reality is, "By His stripes I was healed," then the manifest power of God backs up your confession.

In the same way, when it is a character issue you're dealing with and you feel tempted by an old weakness, do the same thing. Rather than try a little harder, maintain the confession of your faith! Believe! Say, No. That's not me - because the power of the cross has given me the victory! I have the character of Christ. And the devil will flee. It's not just a matter of will-power. It's a matter of believing.

Very often when a believer yields to temptation and sins, somewhere along the line, somewhere in the equation, there was unbelief. Very likely, at some point he caved-in and said in himself, Yeah, it's no use - I don't have the victory yet. And then he acted-out his negative belief. If we correctly label unbelief as part of the equation of our past failures - then we've identified the key to future victory.

When you think about it, trying to overcome the world (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life) through any means other than through faith, is bound to fail - because the victory is in the cross alone. Jesus Christ didn't save us through faith and then expect us to become perfected by striving in our own strength. He already knew that would be impossible. The faith that saved us is the same faith that keeps us.

Then someone may ask, But what if hereditary curses, demons or personal sin are at the root of the problem? Even if they are, all Jesus Christ ever asked anyone to do was believe. Jesus Christ never called anyone to fight the devil. He said, "Only believe." To say, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk," or to say, "Man, thy sins be forgiven thee," are six and one-half dozen: either one achieves the same thing. Jesus saw their faith - He did the forgiving.

On another occasion Jesus healed a woman in response to her faith, and then said, "Go and sin no more." Faith was all Jesus ever looked for. When we believe, God takes care of the rest. The only fight we are called to fight is the good fight of faith. "This is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith."

Now that doesn't mean you'll never have to resist the devil, rebuke a demon or cast one out - especially when you're ministering to someone else. But when the Holy Spirit leads you to do so, remember you'll be doing so on the basis of victory, from the standpoint of faith, on the basis of Christ's victory and Name, on the basis that your sins and the curse have already been dealt with on the cross - not from the angle of a person who is still legally defeated by the devil.

Make Christlike character a point of faith, just as you would prosperity or healing. Faith is always in the now, therefore say you have Christ-like character now. When the devil challenges that truth, hold fast to your confession. When you are tempted say, I have Christ's character.

This is the victory that overcomes the world. We will never achieve through striving what is already an established fact. Since it is already an established fact, we only need to believe and confess that it is so. I already have the character of Christ.

The Gospel itself (the Word, the message of the finished work on Calvary) is the power of God unto salvation - to all who believe. And that salvation includes personal holiness. God's way is always by grace through faith. Faith is the only way to receive the grace we need to walk in personal holiness and victory.

Use Your Faith for Personal Holiness

I've noticed that we are taught to use our faith in order to receive a variety of things from God, such as: salvation, healing, money, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But what about using our faith to overcome lingering behavioral flaws in our character? For some reason it seems we've thought that the solution is we just need to try a little harder.

But God hasn't only made provision for us to be like Jesus in external things like our ministries - He has also made free provision for us to be like Him on the inside. God hasn't only made provision for us to prosper and be in health - He has also made provision for our souls to prosper. So that means we can use our faith in order to be done with carnality and any other type of lack of victory in our lives.

Someone once said that any failure in the Christian life is really a failure in faith - because all the blessings of the Christian life are received through faith. So instead of trying to overcome in your own strength - use your faith!

How does it work? Well if it was sickness you were dealing with and you felt a symptom return, you would maintain the confession of your faith. You would say, No. I'm not accepting that as reality. The reality is, "By His stripes I was healed," then the manifest power of God backs up your confession.

In the same way, when it is a character issue you're dealing with and you feel tempted by an old weakness, do the same thing. Rather than try a little harder, maintain the confession of your faith! Believe! Say, No. That's not me - because the power of the cross has given me the victory! I have the character of Christ. And the devil will flee. It's not just a matter of will-power. It's a matter of believing.

Very often when a believer yields to temptation and sins, somewhere along the line, somewhere in the equation, there was unbelief. Very likely, at some point he caved-in and said in himself, Yeah, it's no use - I don't have the victory yet. And then he acted-out his negative belief. If we correctly label unbelief as part of the equation of our past failures - then we've identified the key to future victory.

When you think about it, trying to overcome the world (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life) through any means other than through faith, is bound to fail - because the victory is in the cross alone. Jesus Christ didn't save us through faith and then expect us to become perfected by striving in our own strength. He already knew that would be impossible. The faith that saved us is the same faith that keeps us.

Then someone may ask, But what if hereditary curses, demons or personal sin are at the root of the problem? Even if they are, all Jesus Christ ever asked anyone to do was believe. Jesus Christ never called anyone to fight the devil. He said, "Only believe." To say, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk," or to say, "Man, thy sins be forgiven thee," are six and one-half dozen: either one achieves the same thing. Jesus saw their faith - He did the forgiving.

On another occasion Jesus healed a woman in response to her faith, and then said, "Go and sin no more." Faith was all Jesus ever looked for. When we believe, God takes care of the rest. The only fight we are called to fight is the good fight of faith. "This is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith."

Now that doesn't mean you'll never have to resist the devil, rebuke a demon or cast one out - especially when you're ministering to someone else. But when the Holy Spirit leads you to do so, remember you'll be doing so on the basis of victory, from the standpoint of faith, on the basis of Christ's victory and Name, on the basis that your sins and the curse have already been dealt with on the cross - not from the angle of a person who is still legally defeated by the devil.

Make Christlike character a point of faith, just as you would prosperity or healing. Faith is always in the now, therefore say you have Christ-like character now. When the devil challenges that truth, hold fast to your confession. When you are tempted say, I have Christ's character.

This is the victory that overcomes the world. We will never achieve through striving what is already an established fact. Since it is already an established fact, we only need to believe and confess that it is so. I already have the character of Christ.

The Gospel itself (the Word, the message of the finished work on Calvary) is the power of God unto salvation - to all who believe. And that salvation includes personal holiness. God's way is always by grace through faith. Faith is the only way to receive the grace we need to walk in personal holiness and victory.

Monday, 22 October 2007

A Win-Win-Win Situation

If I set out to buy things for myself that I like, the quality and quantity of what I am able to buy is going to be limited, because of the limits of my funds. But if instead I buy to give, then God shall give to me - and God is far better resourced than me to be able to afford the quality and quantity that I desire and need. Therefore what I end-up obtaining will be far better, and in the meantime my focus can continue to be God and others. If I put Him first and give to others, He will give me what I need and desire. And I'd rather it be Him than me that's in charge of my needs and desires. Meanwhile I get to be an agent of His provision for others; and above all - I remain free to focus on Him Who is the source of all true enjoyment in life.

That's better than a win-win situation - it's a win-win-win situation. Praise the Lord!

A Win-Win-Win Situation

If I set out to buy things for myself that I like, the quality and quantity of what I am able to buy is going to be limited, because of the limits of my funds. But if instead I buy to give, then God shall give to me - and God is far better resourced than me to be able to afford the quality and quantity that I desire and need. Therefore what I end-up obtaining will be far better, and in the meantime my focus can continue to be God and others. If I put Him first and give to others, He will give me what I need and desire. And I'd rather it be Him than me that's in charge of my needs and desires. Meanwhile I get to be an agent of His provision for others; and above all - I remain free to focus on Him Who is the source of all true enjoyment in life.

That's better than a win-win situation - it's a win-win-win situation. Praise the Lord!

A Win-Win-Win Situation

If I set out to buy things for myself that I like, the quality and quantity of what I am able to buy is going to be limited, because of the limits of my funds. But if instead I buy to give, then God shall give to me - and God is far better resourced than me to be able to afford the quality and quantity that I desire and need. Therefore what I end-up obtaining will be far better, and in the meantime my focus can continue to be God and others. If I put Him first and give to others, He will give me what I need and desire. And I'd rather it be Him than me that's in charge of my needs and desires. Meanwhile I get to be an agent of His provision for others; and above all - I remain free to focus on Him Who is the source of all true enjoyment in life.

That's better than a win-win situation - it's a win-win-win situation. Praise the Lord!

Christ's Kingdom is not Earthly

I think it pays to make sure we're preaching the same Gospel today that Jesus preached when He was on earth; and that we do so with the same emphasis as His.

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Many in Israel were waiting for the Kingdom of God, but Jesus explained the Kingdom of God in a way that surprised many of them.

For starters, Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of earth - it's of heaven. If His Kingdom was of earth, His disciples would have carried arms and attempted to prevent Jesus' arrest by the Roman soldiers. But His Kingdom is not of earth, it's of heaven. Therefore Jesus called the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus also explained that to enter the Kingdom of heaven a person first had to understand it. That must have really weirded some of the Jews out because they were expecting the coming Kingdom to be centred in the city of Jerusalem which anyone could simply walk into, or hop on a donkey and ride into - so why would someone need a spiritual understanding to enter it? It's because, as Jesus explained, the Kingdom does not come observably or to a specific location - instead, the Kingdom is inside you.

Then Jesus told a Jewish leader that a man would never even see the Kingdom of God unless he is born from above. That concept would really have pulled the rug out from underneath some of them, because they thought that having been born as a physical descendant of Abraham was qualification enough to see the Kingdom of God. But Jesus said - you must be born from above to see it. Anyone who travels to Jerusalem can see the physical city of Jerusalem - but as for the Kingdom of heaven: you've got no chance of seeing it unless you're born again.

That tells you - as Paul said - that the true Jerusalem is not the earthly city of Jerusalem - it's the heavenly Jerusalem. And the true place of worship is no longer the earthly Jerusalem - the true worshipers now worship in spirit and in truth - and the Father is looking for such to worship Him. True Jewishness is of the heart - it's not a matter of physical birth, and even Gentiles who believe are included. The true mount Zion is in heaven, not on the earth. The true tabernacle or temple is in heaven, not on the earth. The new Jerusalem is actually people - it is the bride of Christ - for she has made herself ready, and to her it has been given to be clothed in white linen, for the white linen is the righteousnesses of the saints.

Another aspect about the Kingdom which was completely hidden from most of them was that Christ the Messiah first had to be mistreated and suffer and die on the cross for our sins and be buried and be resurrected on the third day, before entering into His glory, into heaven. And the disciples would become witnesses of all these things, and this Gospel of the Kingdom would first be preached to all nations, with various signs accompanying believers, such as: in Jesus' Name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with tongues; they shall see visions, and prophesy; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover; and nothing shall by any means harm them; and all who believe and are baptized, all who call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved - and then the end shall come. All this would happen before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, the day they were all expecting.

Not many of the Jews saw that coming! They had a totally different idea of the nature of the Kingdom. (They thought Messiah would immediately welcome all of the Jews into His Kingdom, with it's capital being Jerusalem.) But this is what the Father has actually been up to ever since the days of John the Baptist until now - He wants the Name of Jesus, and the cross - this good news of the Kingdom - to be preached all over the world. He is drawing all men to Jesus, because Jesus was lifted up on the cross to be the Saviour of all men. The Father is looking for true worshipers, those who now worship not in Jerusalem, nor on mount Zion, but in spirit and in truth.

The parables of Jesus illustrate the true nature of the Kingdom. Messiah would go away to receive His Kingdom - because it's in heaven, not on earth, that He receives His Kingdom. Furthermore, it was almost implied that there would be a long delay which would test the hearts of those who claim to be waiting for His promise. Then it was explained how that the children of the wicked will continue to live alongside the children of the Kingdom in this present world until the time of the end - and then the Father will divide the wicked from the among the righteous and only after that will the righteous - and only the righteous - enter into His Kingdom. Jesus even foretold that the Son of God would be collectively mistreated by physical Israel (to whom the promises were originally given) and that as a result, the Kingdom would instead be given to another nation - which is the Church, comprising of both Jews and Gentiles who believe. The promises originally made to Israel have not failed: the elect have obtained them. The Church is more Jewish than Israel is.

Jesus told His disciples to expect persecution just as He was persecuted - but He comforted them by promising to return soon. His delay does not mean God is slack concerning His promise: it means God is patient, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Besides, a day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. "Soon" is from heaven's perspective - from God's perspective Who dwells in eternity - not from earth's perspective.

But the day of His coming and Kingdom shall come. This is the great, hoped-for salvation that we look for and that we announce. It includes the resurrection of the dead. Christians who have already died won't miss out on that great day because Christ shall bring them with Him when He comes. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds - and we shall all forever be with the Lord. This is the blessed hope which saints of God have looked forward to and prophesied about since the beginning of time. This is the hope of the Gospel which we preach! This is the good news of the Kingdom: Jesus is coming! There will be new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

In the meantime, men must prepare to enter it, regardless of whether they are Jew or Gentile. God has concluded all under sin, that He may have mercy upon all. God gave us the Way to enter in, which is His Son Jesus. Therefore the message of the cross, of the Name of Jesus, of repentance, and of faith and love are an intrinsic part of the equation, a central part of the message, crucial to a correct understanding of the nature of the Kingdom. God has redeemed us through His blood. That's the part the Jews stumbled over! That's the understanding of the Kingdom which we must preach. That's the true nature and message of the Kingdom: it's all about Christ Jesus and His cross and about the second coming of Christ. The sufferings of this present time as we live for Jesus are not even worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us when Christ returns. We know we have access through His blood, therefore we look forward to His coming. God is bringing many sons unto glory: we are heirs, joint-heirs with Christ through faith, which is symbolized by baptism. In the meantime we have the witness of His Spirit in our hearts, we have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. These things are our guarantee of eternal life in His Kingdom when He comes. All men need to hear this.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Christ's Kingdom is not Earthly

I think it pays to make sure we're preaching the same Gospel today that Jesus preached when He was on earth; and that we do so with the same emphasis as His.

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Many in Israel were waiting for the Kingdom of God, but Jesus explained the Kingdom of God in a way that surprised many of them.

For starters, Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of earth - it's of heaven. If His Kingdom was of earth, His disciples would have carried arms and attempted to prevent Jesus' arrest by the Roman soldiers. But His Kingdom is not of earth, it's of heaven. Therefore Jesus called the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus also explained that to enter the Kingdom of heaven a person first had to understand it. That must have really weirded some of the Jews out because they were expecting the coming Kingdom to be centred in the city of Jerusalem which anyone could simply walk into, or hop on a donkey and ride into - so why would someone need a spiritual understanding to enter it? It's because, as Jesus explained, the Kingdom does not come observably or to a specific location - instead, the Kingdom is inside you.

Then Jesus told a Jewish leader that a man would never even see the Kingdom of God unless he is born from above. That concept would really have pulled the rug out from underneath some of them, because they thought that having been born as a physical descendant of Abraham was qualification enough to see the Kingdom of God. But Jesus said - you must be born from above to see it. Anyone who travels to Jerusalem can see the physical city of Jerusalem - but as for the Kingdom of heaven: you've got no chance of seeing it unless you're born again.

That tells you - as Paul said - that the true Jerusalem is not the earthly city of Jerusalem - it's the heavenly Jerusalem. And the true place of worship is no longer the earthly Jerusalem - the true worshipers now worship in spirit and in truth - and the Father is looking for such to worship Him. True Jewishness is of the heart - it's not a matter of physical birth, and even Gentiles who believe are included. The true mount Zion is in heaven, not on the earth. The true tabernacle or temple is in heaven, not on the earth. The new Jerusalem is actually people - it is the bride of Christ - for she has made herself ready, and to her it has been given to be clothed in white linen, for the white linen is the righteousnesses of the saints.

Another aspect about the Kingdom which was completely hidden from most of them was that Christ the Messiah first had to be mistreated and suffer and die on the cross for our sins and be buried and be resurrected on the third day, before entering into His glory, into heaven. And the disciples would become witnesses of all these things, and this Gospel of the Kingdom would first be preached to all nations, with various signs accompanying believers, such as: in Jesus' Name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with tongues; they shall see visions, and prophesy; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover; and nothing shall by any means harm them; and all who believe and are baptized, all who call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved - and then the end shall come. All this would happen before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, the day they were all expecting.

Not many of the Jews saw that coming! They had a totally different idea of the nature of the Kingdom. (They thought Messiah would immediately welcome all of the Jews into His Kingdom, with it's capital being Jerusalem.) But this is what the Father has actually been up to ever since the days of John the Baptist until now - He wants the Name of Jesus, and the cross - this good news of the Kingdom - to be preached all over the world. He is drawing all men to Jesus, because Jesus was lifted up on the cross to be the Saviour of all men. The Father is looking for true worshipers, those who now worship not in Jerusalem, nor on mount Zion, but in spirit and in truth.

The parables of Jesus illustrate the true nature of the Kingdom. Messiah would go away to receive His Kingdom - because it's in heaven, not on earth, that He receives His Kingdom. Furthermore, it was almost implied that there would be a long delay which would test the hearts of those who claim to be waiting for His promise. Then it was explained how that the children of the wicked will continue to live alongside the children of the Kingdom in this present world until the time of the end - and then the Father will divide the wicked from the among the righteous and only after that will the righteous - and only the righteous - enter into His Kingdom. Jesus even foretold that the Son of God would be collectively mistreated by physical Israel (to whom the promises were originally given) and that as a result, the Kingdom would instead be given to another nation - which is the Church, comprising of both Jews and Gentiles who believe. The promises originally made to Israel have not failed: the elect have obtained them. The Church is more Jewish than Israel is.

Jesus told His disciples to expect persecution just as He was persecuted - but He comforted them by promising to return soon. His delay does not mean God is slack concerning His promise: it means God is patient, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Besides, a day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. "Soon" is from heaven's perspective - from God's perspective Who dwells in eternity - not from earth's perspective.

But the day of His coming and Kingdom shall come. This is the great, hoped-for salvation that we look for and that we announce. It includes the resurrection of the dead. Christians who have already died won't miss out on that great day because Christ shall bring them with Him when He comes. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds - and we shall all forever be with the Lord. This is the blessed hope which saints of God have looked forward to and prophesied about since the beginning of time. This is the hope of the Gospel which we preach! This is the good news of the Kingdom: Jesus is coming! There will be new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

In the meantime, men must prepare to enter it, regardless of whether they are Jew or Gentile. God has concluded all under sin, that He may have mercy upon all. God gave us the Way to enter in, which is His Son Jesus. Therefore the message of the cross, of the Name of Jesus, of repentance, and of faith and love are an intrinsic part of the equation, a central part of the message, crucial to a correct understanding of the nature of the Kingdom. God has redeemed us through His blood. That's the part the Jews stumbled over! That's the understanding of the Kingdom which we must preach. That's the true nature and message of the Kingdom: it's all about Christ Jesus and His cross and about the second coming of Christ. The sufferings of this present time as we live for Jesus are not even worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us when Christ returns. We know we have access through His blood, therefore we look forward to His coming. God is bringing many sons unto glory: we are heirs, joint-heirs with Christ through faith, which is symbolized by baptism. In the meantime we have the witness of His Spirit in our hearts, we have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. These things are our guarantee of eternal life in His Kingdom when He comes. All men need to hear this.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Christ's Kingdom is not Earthly

I think it pays to make sure we're preaching the same Gospel today that Jesus preached when He was on earth; and that we do so with the same emphasis as His.

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Many in Israel were waiting for the Kingdom of God, but Jesus explained the Kingdom of God in a way that surprised many of them.

For starters, Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of earth - it's of heaven. If His Kingdom was of earth, His disciples would have carried arms and attempted to prevent Jesus' arrest by the Roman soldiers. But His Kingdom is not of earth, it's of heaven. Therefore Jesus called the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus also explained that to enter the Kingdom of heaven a person first had to understand it. That must have really weirded some of the Jews out because they were expecting the coming Kingdom to be centred in the city of Jerusalem which anyone could simply walk into, or hop on a donkey and ride into - so why would someone need a spiritual understanding to enter it? It's because, as Jesus explained, the Kingdom does not come observably or to a specific location - instead, the Kingdom is inside you.

Then Jesus told a Jewish leader that a man would never even see the Kingdom of God unless he is born from above. That concept would really have pulled the rug out from underneath some of them, because they thought that having been born as a physical descendant of Abraham was qualification enough to see the Kingdom of God. But Jesus said - you must be born from above to see it. Anyone who travels to Jerusalem can see the physical city of Jerusalem - but as for the Kingdom of heaven: you've got no chance of seeing it unless you're born again.

That tells you - as Paul said - that the true Jerusalem is not the earthly city of Jerusalem - it's the heavenly Jerusalem. And the true place of worship is no longer the earthly Jerusalem - the true worshipers now worship in spirit and in truth - and the Father is looking for such to worship Him. True Jewishness is of the heart - it's not a matter of physical birth, and even Gentiles who believe are included. The true mount Zion is in heaven, not on the earth. The true tabernacle or temple is in heaven, not on the earth. The new Jerusalem is actually people - it is the bride of Christ - for she has made herself ready, and to her it has been given to be clothed in white linen, for the white linen is the righteousnesses of the saints.

Another aspect about the Kingdom which was completely hidden from most of them was that Christ the Messiah first had to be mistreated and suffer and die on the cross for our sins and be buried and be resurrected on the third day, before entering into His glory, into heaven. And the disciples would become witnesses of all these things, and this Gospel of the Kingdom would first be preached to all nations, with various signs accompanying believers, such as: in Jesus' Name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with tongues; they shall see visions, and prophesy; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover; and nothing shall by any means harm them; and all who believe and are baptized, all who call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved - and then the end shall come. All this would happen before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, the day they were all expecting.

Not many of the Jews saw that coming! They had a totally different idea of the nature of the Kingdom. (They thought Messiah would immediately welcome all of the Jews into His Kingdom, with it's capital being Jerusalem.) But this is what the Father has actually been up to ever since the days of John the Baptist until now - He wants the Name of Jesus, and the cross - this good news of the Kingdom - to be preached all over the world. He is drawing all men to Jesus, because Jesus was lifted up on the cross to be the Saviour of all men. The Father is looking for true worshipers, those who now worship not in Jerusalem, nor on mount Zion, but in spirit and in truth.

The parables of Jesus illustrate the true nature of the Kingdom. Messiah would go away to receive His Kingdom - because it's in heaven, not on earth, that He receives His Kingdom. Furthermore, it was almost implied that there would be a long delay which would test the hearts of those who claim to be waiting for His promise. Then it was explained how that the children of the wicked will continue to live alongside the children of the Kingdom in this present world until the time of the end - and then the Father will divide the wicked from the among the righteous and only after that will the righteous - and only the righteous - enter into His Kingdom. Jesus even foretold that the Son of God would be collectively mistreated by physical Israel (to whom the promises were originally given) and that as a result, the Kingdom would instead be given to another nation - which is the Church, comprising of both Jews and Gentiles who believe. The promises originally made to Israel have not failed: the elect have obtained them. The Church is more Jewish than Israel is.

Jesus told His disciples to expect persecution just as He was persecuted - but He comforted them by promising to return soon. His delay does not mean God is slack concerning His promise: it means God is patient, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Besides, a day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. "Soon" is from heaven's perspective - from God's perspective Who dwells in eternity - not from earth's perspective.

But the day of His coming and Kingdom shall come. This is the great, hoped-for salvation that we look for and that we announce. It includes the resurrection of the dead. Christians who have already died won't miss out on that great day because Christ shall bring them with Him when He comes. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds - and we shall all forever be with the Lord. This is the blessed hope which saints of God have looked forward to and prophesied about since the beginning of time. This is the hope of the Gospel which we preach! This is the good news of the Kingdom: Jesus is coming! There will be new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

In the meantime, men must prepare to enter it, regardless of whether they are Jew or Gentile. God has concluded all under sin, that He may have mercy upon all. God gave us the Way to enter in, which is His Son Jesus. Therefore the message of the cross, of the Name of Jesus, of repentance, and of faith and love are an intrinsic part of the equation, a central part of the message, crucial to a correct understanding of the nature of the Kingdom. God has redeemed us through His blood. That's the part the Jews stumbled over! That's the understanding of the Kingdom which we must preach. That's the true nature and message of the Kingdom: it's all about Christ Jesus and His cross and about the second coming of Christ. The sufferings of this present time as we live for Jesus are not even worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us when Christ returns. We know we have access through His blood, therefore we look forward to His coming. God is bringing many sons unto glory: we are heirs, joint-heirs with Christ through faith, which is symbolized by baptism. In the meantime we have the witness of His Spirit in our hearts, we have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. These things are our guarantee of eternal life in His Kingdom when He comes. All men need to hear this.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Middle East Solution?

I don't know what precedent there is for thinking that peace will be obtained through the so-called two state solution. When Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, rather than procuring peace, Israel was rewarded with nothing but rocket-fire from Gaza and then with the subsequent democratic election of Hamas whose policy it is to drive Israel into the sea.

Sure, every distinct ethnic group in the world deserves a homeland. But the borders of each country's homeland ought to be determined on the basis of what is right - not on the basis of some vain hope of appeasing a people whose intent it is to destroy a legitimate nation. There is a rightful place for Israel to call home, and there is a right place for the Arabs to call home. No-one should give the rightful land of Israel to the Arabs, and neither should anyone give the rightful land of the Arabs to Israel.

The question is, how to determine the rightful borders? Answer: by the Scriptures, and by history.

My observation is that the Bible acknowledges Ethiopia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, "Arabia", Persia (Iran) and Israel, and delineates their borders with a certain amount of clarity.

So if "Palestine" is going to be partitioned, let it be partitioned on the basis of what is right - Scripturally, historically and morally - not on the basis of some vain hope.

Besides, a separate "Palestinian" state already exists - it's called Jordan. The original British Mandate of Palestine after World War I included all of modern-day Jordan and Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank. The huge area of land east of the Jordan river was then partitioned off in 1921 and the Kingdom of Jordan was established. Apparently there is no ethnic, cultural, historical nor linguistic disctinction between the "Palestinians" and the "Jordanians" - even their flags look the same.

Despite being given 80% of "Palestine", the people intent on destroying Israel were still not satisfied, so the United Nations responded by partitioning Israel's land even further. Of course, this failed to procure peace, so Israel recently responded by giving Gaza to the "Palestinians" - but it served only to escalate the violence. So now President Bush and Prime Minister Howard think peace will finally be procured by pressuring Israel to give-up even more of their land.

I say, stick with the original Biblical, historical, and moral territories both of Israel and of the Arabs - draw the line in the sand, because God loves both the Jew and the Arab - and then get down to the business of procuring peace with those who want peace. But don't keep giving Israel's enemies what proves to be nothing more than rocket-launching pads within Israel's rightful territory!

What is really interesting is that 2000 years ago Jesus came as the only real pathway to peace for Israel - but because the Jewish rulers didn't acknowledge Him, Jesus predicted the seige and fall of Jerusalem to take place within a generation - and it came to pass exactly as He said. Jerusalem would then be trodden under foot of the Gentiles, said Jesus, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. That's the period we are now living in.

Meanwhile the Gentiles who believe in Jesus are receiving the peace and righteousness which were originally promised by covenant to the Jews. Inner righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit come only from Jesus - both for the Jew, and also for the Gentile. That's the perspective on true, lasting peace that Jesus alone can give.

Middle East Solution?

I don't know what precedent there is for thinking that peace will be obtained through the so-called two state solution. When Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, rather than procuring peace, Israel was rewarded with nothing but rocket-fire from Gaza and then with the subsequent democratic election of Hamas whose policy it is to drive Israel into the sea.

Sure, every distinct ethnic group in the world deserves a homeland. But the borders of each country's homeland ought to be determined on the basis of what is right - not on the basis of some vain hope of appeasing a people whose intent it is to destroy a legitimate nation. There is a rightful place for Israel to call home, and there is a right place for the Arabs to call home. No-one should give the rightful land of Israel to the Arabs, and neither should anyone give the rightful land of the Arabs to Israel.

The question is, how to determine the rightful borders? Answer: by the Scriptures, and by history.

My observation is that the Bible acknowledges Ethiopia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, "Arabia", Persia (Iran) and Israel, and delineates their borders with a certain amount of clarity.

So if "Palestine" is going to be partitioned, let it be partitioned on the basis of what is right - Scripturally, historically and morally - not on the basis of some vain hope.

Besides, a separate "Palestinian" state already exists - it's called Jordan. The original British Mandate of Palestine after World War I included all of modern-day Jordan and Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank. The huge area of land east of the Jordan river was then partitioned off in 1921 and the Kingdom of Jordan was established. Apparently there is no ethnic, cultural, historical nor linguistic disctinction between the "Palestinians" and the "Jordanians" - even their flags look the same.

Despite being given 80% of "Palestine", the people intent on destroying Israel were still not satisfied, so the United Nations responded by partitioning Israel's land even further. Of course, this failed to procure peace, so Israel recently responded by giving Gaza to the "Palestinians" - but it served only to escalate the violence. So now President Bush and Prime Minister Howard think peace will finally be procured by pressuring Israel to give-up even more of their land.

I say, stick with the original Biblical, historical, and moral territories both of Israel and of the Arabs - draw the line in the sand, because God loves both the Jew and the Arab - and then get down to the business of procuring peace with those who want peace. But don't keep giving Israel's enemies what proves to be nothing more than rocket-launching pads within Israel's rightful territory!

What is really interesting is that 2000 years ago Jesus came as the only real pathway to peace for Israel - but because the Jewish rulers didn't acknowledge Him, Jesus predicted the seige and fall of Jerusalem to take place within a generation - and it came to pass exactly as He said. Jerusalem would then be trodden under foot of the Gentiles, said Jesus, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. That's the period we are now living in.

Meanwhile the Gentiles who believe in Jesus are receiving the peace and righteousness which were originally promised by covenant to the Jews. Inner righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit come only from Jesus - both for the Jew, and also for the Gentile. That's the perspective on true, lasting peace that Jesus alone can give.

Middle East Solution?

I don't know what precedent there is for thinking that peace will be obtained through the so-called two state solution. When Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, rather than procuring peace, Israel was rewarded with nothing but rocket-fire from Gaza and then with the subsequent democratic election of Hamas whose policy it is to drive Israel into the sea.

Sure, every distinct ethnic group in the world deserves a homeland. But the borders of each country's homeland ought to be determined on the basis of what is right - not on the basis of some vain hope of appeasing a people whose intent it is to destroy a legitimate nation. There is a rightful place for Israel to call home, and there is a right place for the Arabs to call home. No-one should give the rightful land of Israel to the Arabs, and neither should anyone give the rightful land of the Arabs to Israel.

The question is, how to determine the rightful borders? Answer: by the Scriptures, and by history.

My observation is that the Bible acknowledges Ethiopia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, "Arabia", Persia (Iran) and Israel, and delineates their borders with a certain amount of clarity.

So if "Palestine" is going to be partitioned, let it be partitioned on the basis of what is right - Scripturally, historically and morally - not on the basis of some vain hope.

Besides, a separate "Palestinian" state already exists - it's called Jordan. The original British Mandate of Palestine after World War I included all of modern-day Jordan and Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank. The huge area of land east of the Jordan river was then partitioned off in 1921 and the Kingdom of Jordan was established. Apparently there is no ethnic, cultural, historical nor linguistic disctinction between the "Palestinians" and the "Jordanians" - even their flags look the same.

Despite being given 80% of "Palestine", the people intent on destroying Israel were still not satisfied, so the United Nations responded by partitioning Israel's land even further. Of course, this failed to procure peace, so Israel recently responded by giving Gaza to the "Palestinians" - but it served only to escalate the violence. So now President Bush and Prime Minister Howard think peace will finally be procured by pressuring Israel to give-up even more of their land.

I say, stick with the original Biblical, historical, and moral territories both of Israel and of the Arabs - draw the line in the sand, because God loves both the Jew and the Arab - and then get down to the business of procuring peace with those who want peace. But don't keep giving Israel's enemies what proves to be nothing more than rocket-launching pads within Israel's rightful territory!

What is really interesting is that 2000 years ago Jesus came as the only real pathway to peace for Israel - but because the Jewish rulers didn't acknowledge Him, Jesus predicted the seige and fall of Jerusalem to take place within a generation - and it came to pass exactly as He said. Jerusalem would then be trodden under foot of the Gentiles, said Jesus, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. That's the period we are now living in.

Meanwhile the Gentiles who believe in Jesus are receiving the peace and righteousness which were originally promised by covenant to the Jews. Inner righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit come only from Jesus - both for the Jew, and also for the Gentile. That's the perspective on true, lasting peace that Jesus alone can give.

Monday, 15 October 2007

God's Grace Teaches Us

God's mercy covers our past sins, but God's grace does more than that - God's grace teaches us something. The very word teaches implies that God still has principles, or laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant. And what does God's grace teach us?

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men [we like that part], teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world..." (Titus 2:11,12)

God's grace powerfully does for us what the Law was unable to do because of our weakness.

God's Grace Teaches Us

God's mercy covers our past sins, but God's grace does more than that - God's grace teaches us something. The very word teaches implies that God still has principles, or laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant. And what does God's grace teach us?

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men [we like that part], teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world..." (Titus 2:11,12)

God's grace powerfully does for us what the Law was unable to do because of our weakness.

God's Grace Teaches Us

God's mercy covers our past sins, but God's grace does more than that - God's grace teaches us something. The very word teaches implies that God still has principles, or laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant. And what does God's grace teach us?

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men [we like that part], teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world..." (Titus 2:11,12)

God's grace powerfully does for us what the Law was unable to do because of our weakness.

Predestination and Free-Will

The Bible says God has chosen us to salvation. But does that mean free-will has no part in it?

Jesus said, "Many are called but few are chosen." But I think we need to redefine what it means to be chosen, because notice Jesus didn't say, "Many are called, but few CHOOSE." Instead He said, "Many are called but few are CHOSEN." So there are two types of people mentioned here: the called, and the chosen. And in-between these two states of being is our individual response to the call (the parable of the wedding feast makes that clear). Our acceptance of the call is factored-in to our being chosen.

So which came first, our individual response, or our chosenness? Paul said, "Whom He did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." Notice that a person is not predestined on some arbitrary basis: rather, he is predestined based on God's foreknowledge. Foreknowledge doesn't mean God makes it happen: foreknowledge means God simply knows ahead of time what we will do.
So although our response to the call of the Gospel is a factor in our being chosen, God already knew us, and therefore it can be said that He chose us in Him before the world began.

Predestination and Free-Will

The Bible says God has chosen us to salvation. But does that mean free-will has no part in it?

Jesus said, "Many are called but few are chosen." But I think we need to redefine what it means to be chosen, because notice Jesus didn't say, "Many are called, but few CHOOSE." Instead He said, "Many are called but few are CHOSEN." So there are two types of people mentioned here: the called, and the chosen. And in-between these two states of being is our individual response to the call (the parable of the wedding feast makes that clear). Our acceptance of the call is factored-in to our being chosen.

So which came first, our individual response, or our chosenness? Paul said, "Whom He did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." Notice that a person is not predestined on some arbitrary basis: rather, he is predestined based on God's foreknowledge. Foreknowledge doesn't mean God makes it happen: foreknowledge means God simply knows ahead of time what we will do.
So although our response to the call of the Gospel is a factor in our being chosen, God already knew us, and therefore it can be said that He chose us in Him before the world began.

Predestination and Free-Will

The Bible says God has chosen us to salvation. But does that mean free-will has no part in it?

Jesus said, "Many are called but few are chosen." But I think we need to redefine what it means to be chosen, because notice Jesus didn't say, "Many are called, but few CHOOSE." Instead He said, "Many are called but few are CHOSEN." So there are two types of people mentioned here: the called, and the chosen. And in-between these two states of being is our individual response to the call (the parable of the wedding feast makes that clear). Our acceptance of the call is factored-in to our being chosen.

So which came first, our individual response, or our chosenness? Paul said, "Whom He did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." Notice that a person is not predestined on some arbitrary basis: rather, he is predestined based on God's foreknowledge. Foreknowledge doesn't mean God makes it happen: foreknowledge means God simply knows ahead of time what we will do.
So although our response to the call of the Gospel is a factor in our being chosen, God already knew us, and therefore it can be said that He chose us in Him before the world began.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Does the Bible Teach Communism?

A high school student asked me whether the Bible supports communism more than capitalism. Should we all be living in communes?

No doubt the Bible encourages sharing - but it also upholds private property rights.

Think about it - if there is no such thing as private property, then there is no such thing as giving, and there is no such thing as stealing - yet the Bible acknowledges both.

Jesus Christ set an example for us to be motivated by a desire to serve one another, but the Bible also consistently acknowledges the individual's right to expect to make a reasonable profit from his labour.

God delights in our freedom to serve Him first, and then to serve others - and to make a profit. So we can summarize it this way: service - at a profit. That's what the Bible endorses. Service at a profit. Any system which opposes that is oppressive.

Does the Bible Teach Communism?

A high school student asked me whether the Bible supports communism more than capitalism. Should we all be living in communes?

No doubt the Bible encourages sharing - but it also upholds private property rights.

Think about it - if there is no such thing as private property, then there is no such thing as giving, and there is no such thing as stealing - yet the Bible acknowledges both.

Jesus Christ set an example for us to be motivated by a desire to serve one another, but the Bible also consistently acknowledges the individual's right to expect to make a reasonable profit from his labour.

God delights in our freedom to serve Him first, and then to serve others - and to make a profit. So we can summarize it this way: service - at a profit. That's what the Bible endorses. Service at a profit. Any system which opposes that is oppressive.

Does the Bible Teach Communism?

A high school student asked me whether the Bible supports communism more than capitalism. Should we all be living in communes?

No doubt the Bible encourages sharing - but it also upholds private property rights.

Think about it - if there is no such thing as private property, then there is no such thing as giving, and there is no such thing as stealing - yet the Bible acknowledges both.

Jesus Christ set an example for us to be motivated by a desire to serve one another, but the Bible also consistently acknowledges the individual's right to expect to make a reasonable profit from his labour.

God delights in our freedom to serve Him first, and then to serve others - and to make a profit. So we can summarize it this way: service - at a profit. That's what the Bible endorses. Service at a profit. Any system which opposes that is oppressive.

The Difference Between Mercy and Grace

God's mercy forgives our past sins - God's grace empowers us to live a holy life from now on.

The Difference Between Mercy and Grace

God's mercy forgives our past sins - God's grace empowers us to live a holy life from now on.

The Difference Between Mercy and Grace

God's mercy forgives our past sins - God's grace empowers us to live a holy life from now on.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Not Under Law But Under Grace

What does it really mean that we are no longer under the Law but under grace? Is sinful behaviour excused, since we are no longer under Law, but under grace?

To be under something means to be under its power. We are no longer under the power of the Law, but we are under the power of grace. The only power the Law had over men's lives was the power to condemn. But what power does God's grace have in our lives? God's grace in our lives empowers us to walk in God's ways. Therefore God's grace doesn't assume we'll continue to live lawless lives - instead, God's grace empowers us to walk in love, for God is love - and love is the fulfilling of the Law.

The terms of the New Covenant state that God will put His laws in our minds and write them in our hearts, and cause us to walk in His ways - evidently then, God still has laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant - or else there would be no laws for Him to write in our hearts. The difference in the New Covenant is that this time God Himself causes us to walk in His ways because He has given us a new heart and He has written His laws in our heart - that's God's grace.

Not Under Law But Under Grace

What does it really mean that we are no longer under the Law but under grace? Is sinful behaviour excused, since we are no longer under Law, but under grace?

To be under something means to be under its power. We are no longer under the power of the Law, but we are under the power of grace. The only power the Law had over men's lives was the power to condemn. But what power does God's grace have in our lives? God's grace in our lives empowers us to walk in God's ways. Therefore God's grace doesn't assume we'll continue to live lawless lives - instead, God's grace empowers us to walk in love, for God is love - and love is the fulfilling of the Law.

The terms of the New Covenant state that God will put His laws in our minds and write them in our hearts, and cause us to walk in His ways - evidently then, God still has laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant - or else there would be no laws for Him to write in our hearts. The difference in the New Covenant is that this time God Himself causes us to walk in His ways because He has given us a new heart and He has written His laws in our heart - that's God's grace.

Not Under Law But Under Grace

What does it really mean that we are no longer under the Law but under grace? Is sinful behaviour excused, since we are no longer under Law, but under grace?

To be under something means to be under its power. We are no longer under the power of the Law, but we are under the power of grace. The only power the Law had over men's lives was the power to condemn. But what power does God's grace have in our lives? God's grace in our lives empowers us to walk in God's ways. Therefore God's grace doesn't assume we'll continue to live lawless lives - instead, God's grace empowers us to walk in love, for God is love - and love is the fulfilling of the Law.

The terms of the New Covenant state that God will put His laws in our minds and write them in our hearts, and cause us to walk in His ways - evidently then, God still has laws, even after the annulling of the Old Covenant - or else there would be no laws for Him to write in our hearts. The difference in the New Covenant is that this time God Himself causes us to walk in His ways because He has given us a new heart and He has written His laws in our heart - that's God's grace.

Friday, 12 October 2007

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

I have decided to publish textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus. Read it here.

Who really was Jesus?

Some say He was only a man - though a good man (Liberalism), maybe even without sin, and a prophet (Islam).

Others say he was a created being - a high-ranking angel made by God (Jehovah's Witnesses) .

Others know Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

What does Son of God mean? What did Jesus say of Himself? What do the Scriptures teach? Is the Scripture reliable? Was Jesus' claim backed-up by the power of God?

Our faith and hope stand or fall on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. If Jesus rose from the dead, He is declared to be the Son of God with power and our faith and hope rest in the power of God. But if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he was just a man, and our faith is in vain, and we are of all men most miserable.

Read the textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus here.

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

I have decided to publish textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus. Read it here.

Who really was Jesus?

Some say He was only a man - though a good man (Liberalism), maybe even without sin, and a prophet (Islam).

Others say he was a created being - a high-ranking angel made by God (Jehovah's Witnesses) .

Others know Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

What does Son of God mean? What did Jesus say of Himself? What do the Scriptures teach? Is the Scripture reliable? Was Jesus' claim backed-up by the power of God?

Our faith and hope stand or fall on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. If Jesus rose from the dead, He is declared to be the Son of God with power and our faith and hope rest in the power of God. But if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he was just a man, and our faith is in vain, and we are of all men most miserable.

Read the textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus here.

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

I have decided to publish textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus. Read it here.

Who really was Jesus?

Some say He was only a man - though a good man (Liberalism), maybe even without sin, and a prophet (Islam).

Others say he was a created being - a high-ranking angel made by God (Jehovah's Witnesses) .

Others know Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

What does Son of God mean? What did Jesus say of Himself? What do the Scriptures teach? Is the Scripture reliable? Was Jesus' claim backed-up by the power of God?

Our faith and hope stand or fall on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. If Jesus rose from the dead, He is declared to be the Son of God with power and our faith and hope rest in the power of God. But if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he was just a man, and our faith is in vain, and we are of all men most miserable.

Read the textual evidence for the Divinity of the person of Jesus here.

The Heart of the Matter

Reading biographies of men and women of faith stirs a desire for faith - but hearing the Word of God imparts faith. When our body is surrendered, our soul feels a desire for God - but it is our spirit that comes into communion with God. Hearing the Word of God draws our spirit into real, intimate fellowship with and worship of the Word Himself, which is Jesus the Christ. Time spent in the Word is time spent with Jesus, by Whom all things were made. Thanksgiving and praise are the Bible way of entering the presence of God - but once we get there, the real objective is worship. Having met the conditions to enter into worship, let's not turn around and leave straightaway - but tarry a while. When we can sing about something that we are believing for before we see it, then we know we really have it.

The Heart of the Matter

Reading biographies of men and women of faith stirs a desire for faith - but hearing the Word of God imparts faith. When our body is surrendered, our soul feels a desire for God - but it is our spirit that comes into communion with God. Hearing the Word of God draws our spirit into real, intimate fellowship with and worship of the Word Himself, which is Jesus the Christ. Time spent in the Word is time spent with Jesus, by Whom all things were made. Thanksgiving and praise are the Bible way of entering the presence of God - but once we get there, the real objective is worship. Having met the conditions to enter into worship, let's not turn around and leave straightaway - but tarry a while. When we can sing about something that we are believing for before we see it, then we know we really have it.

The Heart of the Matter

Reading biographies of men and women of faith stirs a desire for faith - but hearing the Word of God imparts faith. When our body is surrendered, our soul feels a desire for God - but it is our spirit that comes into communion with God. Hearing the Word of God draws our spirit into real, intimate fellowship with and worship of the Word Himself, which is Jesus the Christ. Time spent in the Word is time spent with Jesus, by Whom all things were made. Thanksgiving and praise are the Bible way of entering the presence of God - but once we get there, the real objective is worship. Having met the conditions to enter into worship, let's not turn around and leave straightaway - but tarry a while. When we can sing about something that we are believing for before we see it, then we know we really have it.

Seeing Jesus in Every Line of the Bible

When you come to the place where you see JESUS in every line of the Bible - now you're in the right frame of mind, the right attitude of heart for receiving and experiencing.

Seeing Jesus in Every Line of the Bible

When you come to the place where you see JESUS in every line of the Bible - now you're in the right frame of mind, the right attitude of heart for receiving and experiencing.

Seeing Jesus in Every Line of the Bible

When you come to the place where you see JESUS in every line of the Bible - now you're in the right frame of mind, the right attitude of heart for receiving and experiencing.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

The Key to the Move of the Holy Spirit

Something I've learned is: the Holy Spirit wants to move in our meetings - and the key to seeing a manifestation of the Spirit in a meeting is something PRACTICAL rather than spiritual.

The key is: simply GIVE HIM TIME to move.

The key is not necessarily that we need to fast 40 days.

It may not be that we need to intercede more.

It may not be that we need to wait a little longer for the sovereign timing of God.

If we'll just give the Holy Spirit TIME in the meeting - on purpose - Jesus will start touching people's lives.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is not achieved by singing a song such as "Welcome Holy Spirit".

Neither is it achieved when a leader on the stage says, "You are welcome in this place Holy Spirit".

It is not achieved when a preacher prays before his sermon, "Holy Spirit we want you to have your way."

Holding an all-night prayer meeting to ask the Holy Spirit to move is not necessarily welcoming the Holy Spirit either.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is achieved by PRACTICALLY giving Him time during the service to do whatever He wants.

And I don't mean to just keep praising and worshiping a little longer than usual. That's not welcoming the manifestation of the Spirit either. In fact, singing can get in the way - because singing and allowing the Holy Spirit to move are two completely different functions. While we keep giving to God through our praise and worship (while we are doing something else) the Holy Spirit waits. But as soon as we open-up the meeting for Him to start giving to us, or to manifest His presence in special ways, or to use us, then the congregation is free to start RECEIVING.

In the same way that love isn't love until it's expressed (and faith isn't faith until it's acted) - so welcoming the Holy Spirit is not really welcoming Him until the welcome becomes practical. And when we make it practical - He'll start doing the things that He showed up to do.

And you'll be thrilled with what happens.

Believe it! And believing it means, act it.

The Key to the Move of the Holy Spirit

Something I've learned is: the Holy Spirit wants to move in our meetings - and the key to seeing a manifestation of the Spirit in a meeting is something PRACTICAL rather than spiritual.

The key is: simply GIVE HIM TIME to move.

The key is not necessarily that we need to fast 40 days.

It may not be that we need to intercede more.

It may not be that we need to wait a little longer for the sovereign timing of God.

If we'll just give the Holy Spirit TIME in the meeting - on purpose - Jesus will start touching people's lives.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is not achieved by singing a song such as "Welcome Holy Spirit".

Neither is it achieved when a leader on the stage says, "You are welcome in this place Holy Spirit".

It is not achieved when a preacher prays before his sermon, "Holy Spirit we want you to have your way."

Holding an all-night prayer meeting to ask the Holy Spirit to move is not necessarily welcoming the Holy Spirit either.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is achieved by PRACTICALLY giving Him time during the service to do whatever He wants.

And I don't mean to just keep praising and worshiping a little longer than usual. That's not welcoming the manifestation of the Spirit either. In fact, singing can get in the way - because singing and allowing the Holy Spirit to move are two completely different functions. While we keep giving to God through our praise and worship (while we are doing something else) the Holy Spirit waits. But as soon as we open-up the meeting for Him to start giving to us, or to manifest His presence in special ways, or to use us, then the congregation is free to start RECEIVING.

In the same way that love isn't love until it's expressed (and faith isn't faith until it's acted) - so welcoming the Holy Spirit is not really welcoming Him until the welcome becomes practical. And when we make it practical - He'll start doing the things that He showed up to do.

And you'll be thrilled with what happens.

Believe it! And believing it means, act it.

The Key to the Move of the Holy Spirit

Something I've learned is: the Holy Spirit wants to move in our meetings - and the key to seeing a manifestation of the Spirit in a meeting is something PRACTICAL rather than spiritual.

The key is: simply GIVE HIM TIME to move.

The key is not necessarily that we need to fast 40 days.

It may not be that we need to intercede more.

It may not be that we need to wait a little longer for the sovereign timing of God.

If we'll just give the Holy Spirit TIME in the meeting - on purpose - Jesus will start touching people's lives.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is not achieved by singing a song such as "Welcome Holy Spirit".

Neither is it achieved when a leader on the stage says, "You are welcome in this place Holy Spirit".

It is not achieved when a preacher prays before his sermon, "Holy Spirit we want you to have your way."

Holding an all-night prayer meeting to ask the Holy Spirit to move is not necessarily welcoming the Holy Spirit either.

Welcoming the Holy Spirit is achieved by PRACTICALLY giving Him time during the service to do whatever He wants.

And I don't mean to just keep praising and worshiping a little longer than usual. That's not welcoming the manifestation of the Spirit either. In fact, singing can get in the way - because singing and allowing the Holy Spirit to move are two completely different functions. While we keep giving to God through our praise and worship (while we are doing something else) the Holy Spirit waits. But as soon as we open-up the meeting for Him to start giving to us, or to manifest His presence in special ways, or to use us, then the congregation is free to start RECEIVING.

In the same way that love isn't love until it's expressed (and faith isn't faith until it's acted) - so welcoming the Holy Spirit is not really welcoming Him until the welcome becomes practical. And when we make it practical - He'll start doing the things that He showed up to do.

And you'll be thrilled with what happens.

Believe it! And believing it means, act it.

A Muslim's Impression of a Contemporary Church

Recently, I was delighted to hear, from a Muslim friend of mine, that he took the initiative to visit a Church, near where he lives.

His impression was that the church was dark, and looked like a nightclub - and he commented that he didn't really hear about Jesus there. The message, he said, was instead all about, how to feel good about yourself.

"I don't need to hear how to feel good about myself - I wanted to hear about Jesus - from the Bible," he said.

My Muslim friend gave church a go - and his conclusion was that if it's Jesus he wants to hear about from the Bible, church probably isn't the place for him to go.

May we take that as a reminder to resolve, like Paul, to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are saved, it is the power of God."
The Gospel message is for the saved, not only for the unsaved. The message that saved us, is the same message that will keep us.

A Muslim's Impression of a Contemporary Church

Recently, I was delighted to hear, from a Muslim friend of mine, that he took the initiative to visit a Church, near where he lives.

His impression was that the church was dark, and looked like a nightclub - and he commented that he didn't really hear about Jesus there. The message, he said, was instead all about, how to feel good about yourself.

"I don't need to hear how to feel good about myself - I wanted to hear about Jesus - from the Bible," he said.

My Muslim friend gave church a go - and his conclusion was that if it's Jesus he wants to hear about from the Bible, church probably isn't the place for him to go.

May we take that as a reminder to resolve, like Paul, to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are saved, it is the power of God."
The Gospel message is for the saved, not only for the unsaved. The message that saved us, is the same message that will keep us.

A Muslim's Impression of a Contemporary Church

Recently, I was delighted to hear, from a Muslim friend of mine, that he took the initiative to visit a Church, near where he lives.

His impression was that the church was dark, and looked like a nightclub - and he commented that he didn't really hear about Jesus there. The message, he said, was instead all about, how to feel good about yourself.

"I don't need to hear how to feel good about myself - I wanted to hear about Jesus - from the Bible," he said.

My Muslim friend gave church a go - and his conclusion was that if it's Jesus he wants to hear about from the Bible, church probably isn't the place for him to go.

May we take that as a reminder to resolve, like Paul, to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are saved, it is the power of God."
The Gospel message is for the saved, not only for the unsaved. The message that saved us, is the same message that will keep us.