Sunday, 7 October 2007

A Muslim's Impression of a Contemporary Church

Recently, I was delighted to hear, from a Muslim friend of mine, that he took the initiative to visit a Church, near where he lives.

His impression was that the church was dark, and looked like a nightclub - and he commented that he didn't really hear about Jesus there. The message, he said, was instead all about, how to feel good about yourself.

"I don't need to hear how to feel good about myself - I wanted to hear about Jesus - from the Bible," he said.

My Muslim friend gave church a go - and his conclusion was that if it's Jesus he wants to hear about from the Bible, church probably isn't the place for him to go.

May we take that as a reminder to resolve, like Paul, to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are saved, it is the power of God."
The Gospel message is for the saved, not only for the unsaved. The message that saved us, is the same message that will keep us.


  1. Well today its all about you'r self being & not about Christ & him crucified for example you get pastors preaching about wealth & prosperity instead of telling people about the truth of Gods word which is Christ & how he came to give mankind the eternal gift of life.We should not use emotions to grab the attention of the heart of men & women but rather to allow the leading of the Spirit of the living God that will reveal Gods truth unto them & not the truth of mans knowledge which is carnal but the truth of God which is eternal.To me that is the teaching of Christ & how he came that we who are sinners would be freed from a life of sin & death to live a life of truth in God through Christ.Amen

  2. As Tasha mentioned before about not hearing very much today about how Christ suffered that we might have the gift of eternal life dwelling in us,Pastors are getting farther away from the truth in todays churches than in the churches of old.Growing up & hearing about how Christ was sent to earth in the form of man doing the will of His Heavenly father to bring about unto mankind the gift of eternal life.We as a body of Christ need not to seek the applause & reconision of man but seek for the truth of our Eternal Father above that is to me far much greater than having the appealing praises of men & women knowin that we are the true Sons & Daughters that can stand to preach CHRIST & HIM CRUCIFIED.
