Sunday, 23 May 2010

I Thessalonians 2:1-12 - Who was He Who Did Let?

Paul reminded the Thessalonians that someone at that time was still hindering a particularly wicked person from fully doing his thing - and he assured them that they already knew who it was who was hindering him.

"And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed..." (IIThessalonians 2:6-8a).

After that person would be removed, then the particularly wicked person would be able to start doing his thing.

So that's why I commented that we probably won't see all the world's religions and nations unite anytime soon - unless Paul's statements about the hinderer are still to be fulfilled in future and unless the hinder gets removed soon.

But actually I sometimes wonder whether all that may have already happened, because:

1. It had to happen while the temple was still standing;
2. The first-century Thessalonians knew who the person was who was hindering it;
3. It had to coincide with a great falling away, which indeed happened in the first century;
4. The process was already underway in the first century (the mystery of iniquity did already work, it's just that there was a hindrance);
5.there was a ruler at that time who seems to fit the description - Nero Caesar (Nero opposed everything to do with God or any other religion; he claimed to be god; Roman idols were erected near the temple; under his rule it became practically impossible to buy or sell unless you worshipped Caesar; and incidentally, the number of Nero Caesar's name was known to add up to 666 - that system of numbering is even documented in non-Christian literature from that era); and
6. The purpose was to send delusion, which Paul said was happening to Israel at that time.

I do not feel comfortable however saying Nero - or Vespasian, Titus nor anyone else in first-century Rome - was that sinful man: I just think the view is worth considering, seeing the Temple hasn't existed since then, and seeing Paul said the first-century Thessalonians knew who the person was who was hindering it.

Anyway, even if it is yet to happen in future, notice Paul assured the Thessalonians that things couldn't escalate to the point that that wicked person could start doing his thing until after the hinderer had been removed. So that means until we know for sure that the hinderer has been removed, then we have no way of knowing for sure that world events are about to escalate into Great Tribulation, no matter how bad things get.

Unless we know for sure the hinderer has been removed, then what we are seeing is just the same old usual cycle of good and evil as they have always risen and fallen over the centuries. Things can't escalate yet, unless the hinderer has been removed. That would be why predictions keep flopping.

Among those who say it is still to happen in future, some say the hinderer is the Body of Christ. But that implies a pre-Tribulation secret rapture, which presents a problem because the Great Tribulation and a pre-tribulation secret rapture aren't even mentioned in the Bible.

Others say it's the Holy Spirit. But that also presents a problem because Jesus said, "Lo I am with you alway, even until the end of the world" - He didn't say anything about withdrawing the Holy Spirit.

Others say the hinderer is present politicians and law and order. But that presents a problem too, because Paul told the Thessalonians in the first-century that they knew who the hinderer was. How could they know him if he wasn't born until our generation?

It seems to leave only one possibility: the hinderer had to be someone who was known to the Thessalonians in the first century; and immediately after that person's removal, the wicked person began opposing God and all other religions; he began asserting his own position as god - and all of this happened simultaneously with a "great falling away" which Paul mentioned in one of his epistles was already taking place.

If that's so, then the one last great sign that had to happen before Jesus could come, has happened. And ever since then, there has been no more prophetic events which need to happen before Christ could come. He can now come at any hour!

I'm not saying this view is right, by any means. Please understand that. I don't feel entirely comfortable with it for some reason. So it may well still be future. I'm merely questioning whether it's possible to predict the return of the Lord based on the popular modern interpretation of those verses and current events such as seeing a sign on a Gold Coast mosque which read "Join all religions make one Nation".

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