In Brisbane at IKEA (a European company) you can't use cash at most check-outs.
I think it's a great idea - it eliminates the possibility that thieves or staff can steal cash. It reduces the need for staff - because customers swipe their own cards without needing to exchange cash with a staff-person. And staff are not required to do the banking.
When I went there and bought my light-bulbs, lamp-shade and table - and swiped my card to buy it - I didn't feel like I was worshipping a system. The whole process was purely a commercial exercize.
And I noticed that none of the shoppers at IKEA needed to be convinced to shop there by miracles performed through the Dragon's power!
Cashless shopping has nothing to do with worship - even if there is a wallet-chip, sim-card, barcode or plastic card involved. The whole process was clean and efficient!
The Bible doesn't clearly prophesy a cashless society - but if it did, all of the world's gold and silver reserves and all personal jewellery items would have to be confiscated before it could work. Otherwise people could continue to use their gold, silver and jewellery to buy and sell.
People in Europe, Israel, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, the Pacific and the Americas are nowhere near ready to start handing-over all their precious metals and gemstones just so a truly cashless society can be implemented.
So either the mark of the beast meant something else - or the end might not be just around the corner yet.
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