Saturday, 28 August 2010

Guidance in your spirit

"Sometimes your head is telling you to use common sense but your heart is telling you to go with what you feel. After everything I've been through, I've came to define love as when your head & your heart agree, when everything inside you is screaming, this is right..." - Pagtalunan Evelyn Gambol.

I think the above quote seeks to describe the feeling a person has when they don't have an assurance in their spirit about a certain decision, and it seeks to describe the feeling a person has when he does have an assurance in his spirit about something.

I would probably use different terminology, and perhaps I'd divide between mind and heart a little differently - but the conclusion would probably be the same.

The quote says that unless our mind and heart are in unquestioned agreement, it's a 'no'. That can be true. But there are times when we have to make a decision before our mind has a chance to catch up and get into agreement with our heart. The only way we can do that is to have a submitted mind, and to acknowledge that God leads through our heart - through our spirit - not through our mind.

But that's only true when we distinguish between heart and emotions. Your heart is your spirit, not your physical emotions. Man is a spirit, he has a soul and he lives in a body. The Holy Spirit lives in our spirit. Therefore God will guide you through your spirit, or heart - not through your physical mind or emotions.

If it is our emotions that are conflicting with our mind, then neither of them alone are good guides. But if it is truly our heart (our spirit) that is not at rest about a decision, then it pays to take heed to our heart. If what's really happening is that our spirit (our heart) is unassured, then we should pay attention to it. When our spirit (our heart) hesitates, it should be taken as a 'no' - at least for now.

But when our heart (our spirit) assures us - even though our mind and emotions may protest and may not want to submit - we can go ahead confidently. Perhaps this is the scenario that the above quote was seeking to describe.

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