It seems Eve was made on the same day as Adam. When describing the events of the sixth day of creation, the woman is mentioned, not only the man (Genesis 1:26-31).
So, Adam probably named the animals on the day he was created (for creation would have been incomplete if the animals had remained un-named after creation-week). And then, despite viewing all the animals, a helper was not found for Adam - so, on the same afternoon, God brought Adam his wife.
God's conclusion at the end of the sixth day was that everything was "very good". If Eve was not made until someday afterwards, then it could not have been said that everything was "very good" for God said it was "not good" that the man should be alone. Plus, it would mean that creation was not completed in six days but in six days plus one more day.
When a situation was "not good" - God didn't leave it that way beyond sun-down!
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