Saturday, 11 June 2011

Preterism and the Resurrection

Since the kingdom was already at hand when John the Baptizer ministered, it's certainly at hand now!

John didn't know when the world will end, therefore he could only say that it is at hand. The angels and the Son of Man didn't know either, therefore they could only say 'soon'.

The entire Church age is therefore intrinsically the last hour - because there is nothing else covenantally which must happen in the interim - it's all been done - therefore He could potentially come at any time now.

The Bible explains why He delays His coming - so that more people come to repentance. Even a thousand years is 'soon' compared to eternity.

Nothing spiritual and covenantal happened in AD70 that wasn't already happening beforehand during the early Church. Believers already went straight to heaven when they died, said Paul in Phillipians. Unbelieving Jews were already missing out on the promises. The Bible doesn't say that Sheol was to empty in AD70.

As for the resurrection, the Bible says it is to be physical and worldwide, inclusive of all the dead, in my understanding of things. If so, then that obviously hasn't happened yet.

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