Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Supernatural Living, Ministry and Meetings

When an individual believer does what he is meant to do (in his life, ministry and meetings) he will constantly see the supernatural. If everyone does what they're meant to do, we will all see more of the supernatural.

By doing what we are meant to do, we will depend on the supernatural, we'll experience it, and we'll flow in it. We'll see supernatural guidance, supernatural provision and supernatural manifestation - with supernatural results.

If we all live in the supernatural and flow in it, then we'll bring others up in an environment too where the supernatural is normal.

But if we don't do what we're meant to do, and rely instead on visible resources and limit our activities to those natural resources instead of depending on supernatural leading and supernatural provision, the result will be that we could end-up falling short of seeing the supernatural as often as we could. We may see occasional manifestations of the supernatural.

Many people today are neither depending on the supernatural nor do they see it nor flow in it very often. Instead many have succumbed to life on a lesser level - to the lower level of natural resources, natural expectations, natural standards, methods, activities, plans, meetings, ministries, experiences and results.

For those who are brought up in this substandard environment, the natural becomes regarded as the normal standard, rather than the supernatural being regarded as normal. Those who are brought up in this environment then replicate the same sub-standard when they run their own meetings, ministries and lives. Supernatural leading, supernatural provision and manifestation then becomes merely sporadic, or it's not experienced at all, or it's considered to be only for a few.

But Jesus set a different standard for His disciples. The example and atmosphere He set for them by His personal life and by His ministry was entirely supernatural. Jesus lived, was led and was provided for supernaturally. The disciples lived with Him and followed Him for three years in an atmosphere where the supernatural was normal. The supernatural was commonplace - because the supernatural was the source and resource for everything Jesus said and did.

So when the Apostles later went out into their own ministries, they replicated that. They were supernaturally led and provided for. And those who were brought up by the apostles naturally expected the same when they later ministered themselves - they expected to be supernaturally led, provided for, and they expected to see supernatural manifestations, just like their apostles and the Lord Jesus did. They in turn reproduced the same expectation in those whom they brought up. So the supernatural became normal.

We too can depend upon the supernatural in every way. We can be supernaturally led and guided and provided for. Our plans and activities and methods are meant to be supernaturally instigated and are therefore meant to depend upon supernatural provision. And when that is the case, supernatural manifestations are inevitable, and supernatural fruit will be the result.

So ask God today, "What do you want me to do? in this meeting? in my ministry? with my life?" And expect an answer! Supernatural instigation, leading, and guidance will require supernatural provision - but you can be sure there will be supernatural manifestation - and fruit. Enjoy!

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