Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Finding God's Plan for Your Life

On January 26, 1993, speaking in Brisbane Town Hall, Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM, said:

"Ask God, 'What do you want me to do?' - and expect an answer within two weeks."

I prayed that prayer.

Some days later I was driving to work, and suddenly God spoke to me. He told me to give away my car, give up my job, and go wherever He would tell me to go and preach the Gospel, and to trust Him alone to provide everything.

In my spirit I seemed to see a picture of the path I was meant to take on my first trip. All I had to do was act out what I'd seen in my spirit and go to the places He told me, when He told me.

This began a whole new lifestyle - a new ministry direction - something completely different from anything I had previously done or was imagining.

God did things which I wasn't even looking for. I experienced His support in miraculous ways. All my heart's desires began to be fulfilled. I went to places I never imagined going and did things I never imagined doing with results far wider than anything I'd imagined.

Leaving behind the ministry function I had and stepping into what God really wanted me to do also made room for someone else to step up into the ministry role I had been doing. And that person is still fulfilling that role today almost 20 years later.

Stepping out as I did in that way, prepared me for other steps of obedience - with their resulting blessings - which the Lord asked me to take in the future.

Since then I haven't always accurately understood or followed His perfect plan. Like Peter walking on the water, I sometimes feared and began to sink. But if the fish on the line gets away, you don't quit fishing - it just lets you know you need a stronger line, and then you get back to it as soon as you can.

God has something prepared for you which you haven't imagined. He will use you in effective ways you never imagined. Since His plan can't be imagined by the natural mind, it can only be revealed by His Spirit. That's the reason I invite you to receive revelation from the Spirit concerning what His plan is for your life and ministry.

Following His plan for your life rather than following your own understanding, will enable you to play a far more strategic and significant part in the overall scheme of God's work in history. And you'll find greater personal fulfilment too.

And finally you'll hear the Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord". You'll have all eternity to marvel at the far-reaching impact that your actions had in His Name.

So ask the Lord today, "What do you want me to do?" And expect an answer within two weeks!

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