Thursday, 21 November 2013

What Type of Unity Must We Have

The quality of unity that our Lord Jesus prayed for in His Church is the same quality of unity that exists with His Father and He. That's a high quality of unity in every way!

See Wesley's letter London, March 1, 1778:

To all the Preachers.

You were never in your lives in so critical a situation as you are at this time.  It is your part to be peacemakers; to be loving and tender to all; but to addict yourselves to no party.  In spite of all solicitations, of rough or smooth words, say not one word against one or the other side.  Keep yourselves pure; do all you can to help and soften all; but beware how you adopt another's jar.

See that you act in full union with each other; this is of the utmost consequence.  Not only let there be no bitterness or anger, but no shyness or coldness, between you.  Mark all those that would set one of you against the other.  Some such will never be wanting.  But give them no countenance; rather ferret them out, and drag them into open day.

The conduct of T. Rankin has been suitable to the Methodist plan; I hope all of you tread in his steps.   Let your eye be single.  Be in peace with each other, and the God of peace will be with you. - I am, my dear brethren, your affectionate brother.

And this, LONDON, October 20, 1787, to Robert Carr Brackenbury:

DEAR SIR, -- Mr. De Queteville is undoubtedly a good young man, and has a tolerably good understanding. But he thinks it better than it is, and in consequence is apt to put himself in your or my place. For these fifty years, if any one said, ‘If you do not put such an one out of Society, I will go out of it,’ I have said, ‘Pray go; I, not you, are to judge who shall stay.’ I therefore greatly approve of your purpose to give Mr. Walker [See letter of Dec. 18.] full hearing in the presence of all the preachers. I have often repented of judging too severely, but very seldom of being too merciful [underlining mine].
As the point is undoubtedly of very great importance, it deserved serious consideration; and I am glad you took the pains to consider it, and discussed it so admirably well according to Scripture and sound reason.
I enclose a few lines for Mrs. ----, for whom I feel an affectionate concern.
The God whom you serve will shortly deliver you from the heaviness you feel.--I ever am, dear sir,
Your affectionate friend and brother.

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