Friday, 11 April 2014

Great Tribulation

Pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib?

The term "The Great Tribulation" is not found in the Bible (KJV) - only "great tribulation", three times. 

In the first instance it is in the context of the destruction of the city and Temple of Jerusalem and the situation following.

In the second instance it is in the specific context of a first-century church in a town called Thyatira. 

And in the third instance it is said that the righteous from among all nations had been at great tribulation.

So we can say that "great tribulation":

1) occurred in Jerusalem and surrounds in the first century; 

and we can say that:

2) it was threatened to occur temporarily amongst unrepentant members of a first-century church; 

and we can say that:

3) many righteous believers in all nations have already, or now are, or shall yet experience it.

How might those Bible-uses of the term "great tribulation" impact upon your pre-, mid-, or post- theory?

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