Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Continuationism and Doctrine

Calvin wasn't a Cessationist in the sense usually meant by cessationism.

Here's something which has seldom been argued: sign-gifts were never the source of doctrine in the Church. I'll explain:

God revealed His will through the holy apostles and prophets, and through our Lord Himself, and through the Scripture-writers.

But the simple gifts of prophecy, tongues, interpretation, healings etc were never the source of doctrine even in the early churches.

Rather, prophecies had to be judged - judged against the already-established doctrine of the Apostles.

The Apostles' doctrine was laid by eyewitnesses of our Lord's ministry.

These men also confirmed Paul's doctrine and ministry.

Sign-gifts followed and confirmed the Apostles' including Paul's and other apostles' doctrine - sign-gifts did not precede the establishment of doctrine by the Apostles.

Sign-gifts were not the source of it.

The Lord Himself and His Words and ministry was the chief cornerstone - built on the foundation of the Scriptural Prophets - and propagated by the Apostles who were eye-witnesses and by others named as apostles such as Paul who wrote canon, and Barnabas who did not.

New Testament doctrine was not sourced in sign-gifts. Sign-gifts followed the preached word.

Signs point to something. Confirm existing reality. The pre-existing reality was New Covenant doctrine. Signs only confirmed it.

So although God no longer reveals new doctrine - there are no apostles today in the same category as the Twelve (although there still are "sent-ones" today though in a different category to the Twelve, as there also were in New Testament times) - the place and purpose of sign-gifts can remain unchanged.

Sign-gifts can therefore still follow and confirm the preached Word today.

Not to relay the foundation - for that was laid by the prophets, the Lord and the Twelve apostles (eyewitnesses) and Scripture-writing apostles.

But to follow and confirm. And to heal. There are still sick in need of healing today!

These are covenant promises which continue.

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