Not a great term, because it implies that a person's substance is in Judaism while the 'Messianic-’ part is just his personal flavour of Judaism, like a topping to pour on top.
Messiah isn't an add-in flavour - He's not even just the main thing - He is EVERYTHING! And when you've got Him, you don't need anything else. In fact, having anything else spoils it.
The '-Judaism' part is also problematic in itself - because modern Judaism isn't the same thing as the Torah. Not only is there very little resemblance, but the Torah if it was still in force, would actually outlaw modern Judaism altogether.
Also not a great term, because ALL believers are Messianic - believe in the Messiah - Christ Jesus. That's what a Christian is!
What distinguishes some Christians therefore is not that they believe in Messiah (because all Christians do) - it's that some have tried to become religiously Jewish as well.
But trying to become religiously Jewish is problematic in itself - because it's not possible for Moses' religious system to be followed anymore. Modern Judaism therefore isn't just a poor substitute for Moses' system - Moses' system if it was still in force today, would actually outlaw modern Judaism.
So the more fitting term to use, if you wish to use one at all - and the only appropriate lifestyle to live - is simply that of 'CHRISTIAN' - which also happens to be the term mentioned in the New Testament, and the lifestyle taught in the New Testament.
CHRISTIAN. Not Judaism. Obviously not Moses' religious system. Just Christian.
It means to live your life as though it's all about JESUS.
JESUS + nothing = everything!
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