Wednesday, 18 May 2016

7 Reasons Ezekiel's Temple May Be Already Fulfilled

1. Because Ezekiel was told to write to the Jews during the captivity with instructions about the Temple so they could carry it out. How could they carry out the instructions regarding the Temple if the Temple is still for a future time?

2. Because the instructions included Levites offering sacrifices for sin. That's irrelevant this side of the cross; and impossible due to the loss of the Levitical genealogies after AD70

3. Because we know both from history and from the Bible that a Temple was rebuilt

4. Because if it wasn't about a Temple which the Jews of the captivity could have built at that time, that would leave big gaps in history unaccounted for in the Bible; it would have left the Jews of the captivity without a word, and yet having them think they had a word

5. Because if it's still future, then Jesus was too early to be Messiah - because Messianic prophecies depicted Messiah coming to the Temple

6. Because not everything Ezekiel wrote about the Temple was literally instructive: much of it was him describing a vision, writing in the apocalyptic genre not in literal prose.

7. Because the shadow came before the substance. Although the true temple is spiritual, heavenly and connected directly with Christ and the Church, the shadow came first - that means a physical, earthly temple had to be built in history first - then came the true, the spiritual. 

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