Jesus always kept the Law - perfectly. But that's not all He did and said. He also spoke of changes coming.
For example, He said the time was coming, and now was, when true worshipers would no longer go up to Jerusalem to worship as required by the Torah, but they would worship in spirit and in truth.
Then He said "this is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for many". A new testament, inaugurated for many - not just for Jews.
And after His resurrection He gave the Apostles a new commission - to go and preach the Gospel to all nations. That was something new and different.
The Apostle Paul didn't always keep the Law - not literally, in its entirety.
For example, he didn't always make the thrice-yearly pilgrimages to Jerusalem, as required by the Torah, to keep the Feasts - even when he could have. Sometimes he stayed in whatever Gentile city he was in, and continued preaching the Gospel, sometimes for years at a time without a break. That wasn't strict Torah-observance.
Sometimes Paul did make the trek to Jerusalem though. He even visited the Temple, not because he had to, but because he could. He made himself as under the law, to those who were under the Law, just as on most occasions he lived as someone not under the law, to those not under the law - strategically, in order to remove avoidable barriers to people adopting the faith of Christ.
But Paul never required Gentile believers to become circumcised, to adopt Jewish food-laws, to observe the Sabbaths, to keep the Feasts, to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or to offer the sacrifices commanded by Moses.
But he did say that believing the Gospel and receiving the grace of God would result in a person experiencing and carrying-out all of the spiritual truths, ethics and morals which had been foretold, foreseen and foreshadowed in the Law and Prophets.
That's something not even the Law itself could achieve!
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