1. The Hebrew word 'olam' doesn't always mean literally forever and ever for eternity.
In fact, sometimes it definitely didn't mean that, in the Torah.
Therefore the use of the word 'olam' in connection with the Feasts in the Torah, doesn't in itself make it conclusive that the Jews Feasts were to be observed literally forever and ever for eternity.
2. The New Testament doesn't state that the Feasts shall be observed in eternity.
3. Most of the time we don't see Paul making an effort to observe the Feasts, after his conversion.
On one occasion Paul did make an effort to be in Jerusalem in time for a Feast, and while he was there we see him respecting the Jews' customs - making himself "as under the law, to those who were under the law" - not because he had to be, but because he could.
But most of the time we see Paul making himself "as without the law, to those who were without the law".
He "made himself all things to all men" so that he could "by all means save some".
As for Paul's doctrine and direct teaching on the issue of observance, he wrote that it isn't necessary to observe such Jewish customs - and he was categorically against Gentile believers in Jesus ever being required to become observant. The Apostles and Elders at Jerusalem also felt the same, and wrote an edict to that effect.
4. The Old Testament Prophecy which included the prediction about the nations observing the Feast of Passover - the details of that Prophecy make it difficult to place the fulfilment of that part of the Prophecy in our future, for physical and theological reasons.
The Bible rather gives us the history, showing us that that part of the Prophecy had already come to be carried out in fulfilment - in Old Covenant times, while the Feasts were still a requirement. There was regular, physical, literal observance of the Feast - in history, by Gentiles of many nations.
5. Beyond that, the ethical, moral, true, spiritual, Divine and eternal realities which the Feasts merely foreshadowed, have each now been fulfilled by the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ - fulfilled in us, in inauguration, by His first coming and His death for us on the cross and His resurrection, and by the giving of His Holy Spirit; which has made us new creatures and guaranteed us for its fulfilment openly, in consummation, by the event of His still-future Second Coming.
6. We therefore have but one thing to do now: remember His death; show forth His death - as oft as we do, anywhere, any time - 'til He comes. Feasting on Christ, our Head. In Whom we are complete, lacking nothing. He is all things - to all men.
(Observing the Torah-Feasts isn't physically possible now anyway in the way the Torah demanded, the way some early Jewish believers in Jesus in Judea were able to continue observing the Law if they'd wished to - since the required altar, Levitical priesthood, sacrifices, Temple and pilgrimages have ceased to exist; and if you're in the Southern Hemisphere - also because your seasons can't be synced with the Torah's Northern Hemisphere seasons/months.
No alternative way of 'keeping' the Feasts was authorised by the Torah. In fact, the Torah was against it.
It won't be possible to carry-out the Feasts as required by the Torah at any time in the future either - because the genealogies required by the law to authenticate a priest as a Levite have been lost. And also for reasons of New Testament theology and fact.)
7. But if someone feels less assured in his conscience about these liberating truths, and feels obligated to regard a certain day above another (even though he can't observe a day in the Torah-way), with a little love we can live and let live - seeing in his heart he's honouring the Lord, just as we honour the Lord in our hearts by knowing He has made all seasons spiritually alike.
It's all about JESUS!
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