Friday, 25 August 2017


Someone said that Ezekiel's vision of the temple and priesthood hasn't been fulfilled yet because the priesthood Ezekiel envisioned was no ordinary Levitical priesthood but was to be a Zadok-family priesthood - and therefore a future Judaistic-style Millennium is still required in order to fulfil it.
But according to Maccabees, and Josephus and manuscripts found at the Dead Sea, there indeed was a Zadok-family dynasty of high priests during the inter-testament period.
And as for the grand imagery of Ezekiel's visions - the apocalyptic genre was a known genre of literature, one in which the writer himself didn't always intend to be taken literally.
Ezekiel also foretold that the Zadok-family priests would marry, have children and offer sacrifices for their own sins as well as the sins of others. That either won't be the case after the resurrection of the dead, or already isn't the case this side of the cross.
So could saying that Ezekiel's Zadok-prophecy is unfulfilled and that it requires a future Judaistic-style Millennium in order to be fulfilled, therefore show a poor grasp:
1) of a whole genre of literature known as the 'apocalyptic';
2) of history; and
3) of New Testament theology itself?

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