Monday, 10 September 2018

Praise & Worship During the Latter Rain/Charismatic/River Movements

For what it's worth, I thought I'd Post a brief description of what my impression as a 12yr old boy was, of what praise & worship was often like in the 1970s. Maybe it'll prompt Comment.
This was in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. Sunday afternoon.
The service officially started at 3pm. But eager crowds arrived early, faces radiant. Many people had driven from other cities. Hardly able to contain their joy, the whole congregation began singing impromptu, up to 20-minutes or more before starting-time.
Then at 3 a song-leader dutifully stood to the podium, with a look on his face like he was interrupting something. To officially open the meeting and start leading songs seemed superfluous - because the wave which had already begun sweeping the congregation just continued. Singing and dancing!
In-between songs, the congregation spontaneously sang in harmony in the spirit. Everyone could hear the whole congregation singing. Something divine seemed to swirl and fill the air all the way up to the ceiling. The whole congregation's voices ebbed and flowed together like one man.
Then the atmosphere became like settling heavy due. Someone spoke in tongues. Another interpreted. Someone else prophesied.
The pastor/evangelist invited people forward to form a prayer-line and laid hands on the sick, even before preaching. Many fell to the floor. A demon came out of someone.
People were on the edge of their seat during the sermon. People got saved! All types.
Tables were set up after the 3pm service and everyone shared meals. And stayed for the night service at 6. You wanted to be the last to leave.
During the week you found yourself singing the songs you'd heard at church. By yourself. With friends. In homes. In the car. At the beach. On the mountain top. All the words, all the way through. Without needing to look at the words.
You couldn't wait 'til next Sunday, and you invited as many people as you could.
New churches were planted all over.
And as thrilling as the move of the Spirit was during praise & worship in those days, there was still a longing for something more. We often wondered why the announcements should be allowed to interrupt the flow of the 'more' which we felt the Holy Spirit was just about to do during a service. So we looked forward to a coming day of even more manifestation.
And in the mid-1990s it did not disappoint. The river flowed! Whole congregations were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit even without calling them forward, without anyone even laying hands on them! People getting filled and speaking with tongues. Seeing visions. Remaining on the floor for what seemed ages. Having to be carried home. Deliverance started happening again.
Not only did the announcements no longer interrupt, but even the music was overpowered by the 'more' which Jesus was present to do. Not even praise & worship got in the way of the visitation of the Holy Spirit.
And we thought all that was normal - as just how it should be.

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