Friday, 12 October 2018

Smith Wigglesworth Quote - About Thoughts

"Do you see how Jesus mastered the devil in the wilderness? He knew He was the Son of God, and Satan came along with...

How many times has Satan come along to you this way. He says, "After all, you may be deceived. You know you really are not a child of God."

If the devil comes along and says that you are not saved, it is a pretty sure sign that you are.

When he comes and tells you that you are not healed, it may be taken as good evidence that the Lord has sent His Word and healed you.

The devil knows that if he can capture your thought-life, he has won a mighty victory over you. His great business is injecting thoughts. But if you are pure and holy, you will instantly shrink from them.

God wants us to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus - the pure, holy, humble mind of Christ - be in us.

I come across people everywhere I go who are held bound by deceptive conditions - and these conditions have come about simply because they have allowed the devil to make their minds the place of his stronghold.

How are we to guard against this? The Lord has provided us with weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down of these strongholds of the enemy, and by means of which every thought shall be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ and His mighty Name are an antidote to all the subtle seeds of unbelief that Satan would sow in your minds!"

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