Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Church-Buildings v House Meetings

A few reflections:
If we think church-buildings don't matter, I sometimes think that we should demonstrate that, not only by legitimising gatherings which happen outside church-buildings - but also by not illegitimising gatherings that do. 
If we hint that a gathering is somehow illegitimised if it happens in a church-building, we're actually giving significance to a 'building' (albeit a negative significance) - despite saying buildings don't have any significance! 
The building versus a house isn't the issue - the issue is what happens (or should happen) when we gather - wherever that might be.
Churches in persecuted countries are often touted as examples of house-meetings having an advantage over church-buildings. But churches in persecuted countries didn't stop meeting in church-buildings because they wanted to: they only stopped meeting in church-buildings and meeting in homes instead because they had to! 
Meeting in homes may indeed have made better use of the God-given role of the laity - but meeting in bigger groups wasn't something churches in persecuted countries have wanted to shun. They're eager to start that up again too, as soon as they can!
And even though they currently do mainly meet in homes, their churches are still led by a recognised and ordained clergy - it isn't all led by the laity. 
Look closely at any successful house-church movement in any country in the world - persecuted or not - and I think you'll find they all have very strong leadership by a gifted, recognised and ordained clergy somewhere in the mix - it's not just all lay activity. 
So I think: why can't we legitimise it all?- and just do it all! if we can, safely. 
Meet in homes, and release the laity; 
Also recognise and ordain gifted clergy, and have bigger gatherings as well - even if congregations own their own building in which to gather; 
Meet anywhere and everywhere at all times; and 
Wherever and whenever we meet, 'do' what we're meant to do when we meet;
That is, don't suppress the laity - but also don't deny a clergy.
What that means is, let the Holy Spirit do all that He wants, through whomever He wants, wherever He wants, whenever He wants, in any way He wants, for as long as He wants.

"...God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues" (I Cor.12:28).

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