Sunday, 4 July 2010

Which Temple - AD70 or Future? - Matthew 24

The conversation described in Matthew 24 took place on the mount of olives overlooking Jerusalem just before Jesus went to the cross. Everyone says Matthew was written long before AD70. To claim that Jesus was NOT talking about THAT Temple but instead about some future third temple would be like saying:

JOHN: Hey Tony - check out Cassander's beautiful Aldi!

TONY: I tell you, this Aldi will be such a wreck - it'll be a write-off!

JOHN: What! Tell me, when will this happen?

TONY: Really soon, and sadly, Cassander will be killed in the accident and many of his passengers will be seriously injured.

A short time later, Cassander gets killed in a road accident and many of his passengers are injured, and his Aldi gets written-off - just as Tony predicted.

Many years later along comes a guy named Grigor who asserts:

GRIGOR: Tony didn't mean THAT Aldi - he meant something else!

That's exactly what some end-times preachers are doing with the predictions about the Temple in Matthew 24. I'm not saying whether they're right or wrong - just pointing-out what they're actually doing with the text.

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