Sunday, 25 July 2010

If I Was An Electoral Candidate...

Someone asked, "If you were running for election, what kind of policies would you come up with that would address our country's needs? Both on a local and national basis?"

My answer:

"Reforms such as these would probably need to be introduced slowly, but ultimately I think I would like to see our Government:

Reduce many Federal powers and decentralize powers to the States

Strengthen certain aspects of moral law

Illegalize abortion

Replace our welfare systems with private insurances (on a user-pays basis)

Move towards privatization of health and education

Move towards privatization of most Government services other than justice and defence

Re-introduce, strengthen and expand certain aspects of work choices

Introduce a flat-tax and eliminate most other taxes

Recommend 0% interest rates on loans except to non-citizens

Sell-off much Crown Land (and weaken the concept of 'Eminent Domain')

Allow more water-catchment in high rainfall areas and the supply of water to the rest of the State including to the interior - but with much of the new infrastructure built, owned and operated by the private-sector or perhaps by local government rather than by the Federal Government

Replace prison sentences with a system of restitution

Fereign policy:

Move away from foreign-aid being the role of the Government and move instead towards it becoming more often the role of the private-sector and based on a business-model rather than a welfare model except in emergencies; and

Recover, with some adjustments, certain colonial-era values such as the harmonization of Government/military interventionism & governance (when its morally called-for) with private-sector foreign investing and Church missions

For example, for refugees: create & govern an autonomous region inside Afghanistan; then open the region up for foreign investment; and see the work of missionaries thrive there

And I would like to see our Government give glory to God publicly".

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