Thursday, 10 March 2011

Keeping Predestination in Context

Paul's ELECTION statements were given in answer to a question. The question was about the ramifications for Israel - and for God's ancient promises to Israel - if Paul's message of salvation of the Gentiles through faith (Romans 1-8), be true.

Now, if Paul's ELECTION statements were written with the intention of introducing a new topic - the topic raised and debated many centuries later by Calvin and Armenius - how could that possibly answer the question in poin? It wouldn't answer it at all. It would only raise more questions!

It would make about as much sense as answering the question about which is better - Fords or Holdens - with a statement about why helium-filled balloons rise. No relevance at all.

Paul's statements about ELECTION weren't intended as the introduction of a whole new thought or topic. Rather, it was Paul's answer to the dilemma of Israel and of God's ancient promises to Israel.

The Jews had predominantly failed to get saved, because they sought righteousness through the Law instead of through faith in Jesus. And the offer was also offered to Gentiles. It confused some early believers.

So Paul explained that it was always God's prerogative to save on His own basis - the basis of faith. The scheme was FOREKNOWN by God. He ELECTED that it should be this way. This scheme originated with God's MERCY, not with any man's own assertions about how it should be (man's will or running). God had already PREDESTINED that believers (regardless of nationality) should be destined for GLORY!

I could be wrong. But I think that's what Romans 9-11 mean.

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