Yes, faith in Jesus is a gift. That meant, faith wasn't limited by the nationality they were born with nor was it a reward for trying to keep the Law.
Rather, faith was something that was available for all, irrespective of nationality or works (of the Law). The nature of faith is that it is a gift.
Faith is not a gift if it was something one could naturally be born with.
Faith is not a gift if one could work in order to be rewarded with it under Moses' Law.
Faith is called a gift because it is something that is available to all through the preaching of the Gospel without respect of persons.
Faith comes by hearing the Gospel.
If our Gospel be hid, it is hid from those who are lost.
Therefore faith is available to all who hear.
Jesus commended some people for their faith. He also upraided others for the absence of faith.
God opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. But not all enter through the door. And those who do, cannot boast about it, because the opportunity was made available as a gift, not because of their works (of the Law) or nationality.
So the above Scripture is only saying that the opportunity to have been saved through faith was there as a GIFT - not as a reward for keeping the Law or as the natural result of being Jewish.
But the verse says nothing about God being selective about whom He opens the opportunity to enter His grave via the way of faith.
The verse merely removes any preclusions to anyone entering via the way of faith. Because by nature faith is a gift.
Nothing stands in the way - being a Gentile doesn't stand in the way - the Law no longer stands in the way. The vehicle of faith is now available to all. Therefore avail youself of the gifted opportunity!
And having availed yourself of it, you can't boast. All you can do is give thanks.
That's all the verse is saying.
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