Saturday, 23 April 2011

Was Jesus a Communist?

Something for those who think they see a basis for communism in the life and teaching of Jesus:

Jesus never took anything off anyone - and yet today multitudes all around the world give to Jesus.

Jesus exemplified generous giving - but never took anything that was another's.

He encouraged generous giving - but He never taught that we should take that which is another's.

He gave, He received, He borrowed - but He never taught that anything should ever be taken from anyone by another.

He taught generosity - but never taught that self-determination with one's personal property should ever be interfered with by another.

He never did anything but uphold the ethics of private property and self determination.

He taught that we should be ethical with that which is our own - He never taught that we have the right to take that which is another's - even if your intention is to redistribute it to the poor.

If Capitalism is being abused, then identify the specific abuse and outlaw it - but don't take away freedom itself.

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