Wednesday, 6 April 2011

When Can Christ Come?

The statement, " But of that day and hour knoweth no man", can't refer to the timing of the Temple's destruction - because the Roman General knew the day for that. It probably refers to the timing of His coming and of the end of the world - which no-one knows.

Can Christ come at any time? Or are there still some other events which must happen first ( e.g., a rebuilt Temple; the Gospel preached in all the world; a great falling way; and the rise of the Antichrist)?

How about a secret rapture - could it happen at any time? Or are there still some events which must happen first (e.g., the falling away [it can't happen after we're gone]; the Gospel preached in all the world [if it hasn't happened been accomplished while we're still here, it will hardly be accomplished after we're gone]!)?

Or has the falling away already happened? Has the Gospel already been preached in all the world? That would be enough for a secret rapture to happen at any hour.

Or even more than that, has the man of sin already been revealed? Has he already sat as God in the Temple of God? Has the abomination causing desolation already stood in the Holy Place? Has the Temple already been destroyed? Were the Jews already deported all around the world? That would be enough for Christ to come at any hour.

Anything other than post-trib, however, doesn't seem to fit Scripture though.

Conclusion: either many of those things have already happened, or else if they haven't, maybe Christ can't come just yet.    

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