Wednesday, 28 September 2011

God and Government

Are government and spirituality inseparable?

God promised Abraham that in his seed (Christ) all families of the earth would be blessed. The best blessing is justification. But wherever the blessing of justification has the opportunity to overflow into other areas of life besides an individual's spirit - areas such as business, family, relatives, tribe or nation (including a nation's government) it ought to be celebrated.

One example in history where we have seen an overflow of the spiritual work of Christ overflow from individuals into a nation and its government, is the example of the United States of America. Canada is another example. And Australia. And we are seeing it to varying degrees in every nation in the world. The Gospel is not only giving individuals the promise of eternal life - the affect of the Gospel is also overflowing from individuals, affecting nations at every level, for good - to varying degrees.

Celebrating our justification is by far the best thing. But where that has overflowed into other levels of national life too, let's celebrate that also!

So why not identify the type of godly impact that has been possible throughout history and the nations, wherever godliness has had the opportunity.

Persecution will be with us until Jesus comes. But in some countries, the church manages to overcome Satan's clutches on society to the extent that the Church begins to have an impact on all levels of society such as government.

Principles of governing are therefore no less spiritual than principles of parenting, or principles of self-discipline. The spiritual, inward work of the Gospel has a distinct overflow into national life, including into government - wherever the opportunity exists.

Praise God for places (nations) where that opportunity has arisen. And praise God for the positive impact on other nations through a nation where the Gospel has had the opportunity to impact its government.

For example, praise God for the positive impact on the world of nations like the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - nations whose own governments have each historically experienced a positive impact from true followers of Christ (i.e., from the church).

Praise God for the positive impact of businesses operating on Biblical principles (capitalism).

And Praise God for the positive impact on other nations through the body of Christ in those nations.

But still the best thing is to be justified. Nothing compares with heaven.

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