Thursday, 1 September 2011

Remain in Your Calling

Do what God gifted & called you to do. Your job description is within you. Often it is not what some other job or ministry description requires you to do.

One reason many are distracted from their calling is money: it's often easier to accept a job or ministry role that has a regular salary attached, rather than have to believe God for extraordinary irregular sources of provision.

God has one method for supporting pastors - another method for supporting evangelists, and still another method for supporting prophets. Trust God to support you along the way of your calling.

Another reason some budding prophets and evangelists go into pastoring instead of staying with their calling, is for ministry opportunity. Perhaps someone has a prophetic or evangelistic vision in his heart and felt he didn't see enough immediate opportunity to fulfill it in his church: so he imagined leading his own church would be the solution.

The result is that he either has to spend a lot of time pastoring instead of being the prophet and evangelist he sought-out to be; or if he prioritizes his rightful calling as a prophet and teacher, his church suffers from pastoral neglect, with the result that he never ends-up with as large a congregation in which to express his gift as the congregation he left. So, going into pastoring ends-up proving counter-productive.

Instead of pastoring himself, better to co-operate with pastors, trusting God to support and provide opportunities to fulfill his prophetic or evangelistic calling, either in his church or to the wider body of Christ.

Stay with your calling. Prove it. Magnify your office. Trust God in it. Remain correctly positioned, related and functioning. Trust God for provision, His way. Experience the fruitfulness and fulfillment of doing the will of God and standing in it.

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