Monday, 10 October 2011

Eschatology and Social Action

I agree that hyper-futurism can weaken a person's social vision. But I think part-preterism or part-futurism, and not full-preterism, is sufficient to restore a basis for social vision.

Full-preterism and dominionism sees social reform as the kingdom of God on earth, and doesn't look forward to any special future arrival of the kingdom. Hyper-futurism perceives very little of the kingdom in society, prior to the second coming, except for in the spirit of a believer and in the church.

But I feel both are extreme. I think it's wrong to say that there won't be a day when the kingdom and the King will come openly and in perfection. But I think it's also wrong to say that there is no expression of God's kingdom at all outside of believers' spirit and the church.

I think of it this way:

1) the kingdom is in believers (individually, and corporately in the church);

2) the kingdom is being expressed through believers (and to varying degrees is shaping family, tribe, nation, business, government and nation); and

3) one day the kingdom and King shall arrive literally, openly, perfectly.

I see all three.

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