Thursday, 27 October 2011

Speaking in Tongues Gets You in the Flow

I've noticed that people who spend time speaking in an unknown tongue, are more likely to speak by the Spirit when they speak with their understanding too. They are more likely to be led supernaturally by the Spirit - in the way they run a meeting, and in their life and ministry. They are more likely to facilitate the manifestation of the Spirit in a meeting.

When we spend time speaking in an unknown tongue, it becomes easier to speak in the Spirit with our understanding - and it becomes easier to move in the Spirit and to be led by the Spirit.

Speaking in an unknown tongue exercises our spirit and yields our tongue to the Spirit. When you've been used to yielding your spirit to the Holy Spirit by praying in an unknown tongue, it feels more and more natural to yield your tongue to the Holy Spirit even when you're speaking with your understanding. It feels similar - only it's your known language that you are speaking rather than an unknown language. But it's a Holy Ghost thing you are saying.

Speaking in an unknown tongue places both your spirit and body (your tongue) in subjection to the perfect flow of the Holy Spirit. When your spirit becomes used to how that feels, you quickly notice the same flow of the Spirit even when He wants you to say something with your understanding. You quickly notice how it feels when the Spirit wants to move a certain way in a meeting - because you've learned to recognize the feeling of being perfectly yielded to the Spirit. Your spirit also notices it if something is outside the flow of the Spirit.

And the next step, after speaking by the Spirit, is to move in the Spirit or to be led by the Spirit - both in our lives or ministry, and in the way we run our meetings.

Spending time speaking in an unknown tongue gets our spirit used to being in the flow of the Spirit, used to being yielded to the Spirit, used to being in the employ of the Spirit. So the more used we are to flowing in the Spirit with our spirit in one sense (in an unknown tongue), the easier it will be for us to flow in the Spirit with our spirit in another sense (in a known tongue, or in the way we run a meeting).

Speaking in tongues therefore prepares your spirit to be able to speak by revelation with your understanding. Speaking in tongues makes it easier to yield to the flow - makes it easier to allow Him space to do what He wants to do in a meeting - to manifest the way He desires.

So get used to speaking with your spirit in an unknown tongue. Let it become as natural as thinking - as natural as breathing. Then it won't feel very different to speak in the Spirit with your understanding also. It will feel easier to yield to the way the Holy Spirit wants to manifest in a meeting. It will feel easier to yield to the way He wants to guide your ministry and your whole life.

"I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all," said Paul.


  1. This is a very interesting article and I certainly want to make for use of speaking in an unknown tongue. When first I had this experience I was at home, on my own, singing what seemed to me, to be a very beautiful and rather melancholy song, as if I was a woman of the middle east region of long ago who was in mourning. Thank you for reviving this memory.

  2. ps I would be very happy to have you join me!
