How to Receive God’s Best.
Believing is Receiving! Believing is Having!
You see anything that God has provided for you, like salvation – you can receive right now – don’t have to wait.
Now what would you think if someone came down here today and said, “I want to get saved,” and we all prayed with him, or we prayed a special prayer and they prayed the sinner’s prayer, you reached your hand out and agreed with them, they said, “I’m waiting for the manifestation of my salvation.”
No, you don’t have to wait on the manifestation of your salvation.
Did you know, really you don’t have to wait on the manifestation of your healing?
Now there are certain things you have to wait on the manifestation thereof. Are you listening to me?
Now for instance like finances. You know, I need a hundred dollars. Well we’re going to pray and believe that I receive – and it takes a little while sometimes for that money to get into your hands. Now we know God could move on somebody and give you that right now, but that very seldom happens that quick – but it’ll happen just right away, if you’ll believe.
Or like for instance somebody you know is believing God to give them a good crop this year – they’re farmers you know.
See believing God to prosper you – you can’t always get prospered just like – [snap of fingers] – that. But just as sure as you believe, you will. Are you listening to me?
You see some things because they’re here in this realm are slow about being manifested or are slower about being manifested. Can you see that?
But now, what’s already provided for us – it is our’s now. The new birth – you see, after all, what if somebody you know they’re praying and they’re waiting for the new birth to be manifested and they died while they’re waiting for the new birth to be manifested, and yet they’re already believing and yet they’re going to hell because the new birth hadn’t been manifested yet, their spirit hadn’t been born again.
And so you see when it comes to healing we’ve seen those folks die while they were waiting for their healing to be manifested. No – healing is in the same plan of God as is the new birth. Are you listening to me?
Healing is in God’s same plan as the new birth is. Now we know ofcourse that people have received gradual healing, don’t misunderstand me, but that’s usually because their faith just takes hold gradually. But let’s move you up where your faith takes over now – glory to God – receives now! See – believing is receiving.
See, after all, if I’m waiting for my healing – like I said, other things now, it’s a different thing, and I’ll have to say it different – but when it comes to salvation, when it comes to the baptism in the Holy Ghost, I don’t have to wait for the baptism in the Holy Ghost to be made manifest. I can receive right now, and speak with tongues right now. Can’t I. Can’t I.
You see those things which are gifts, free gifts (salvation or new birth is what we’re talking about) is a free gift. Isn’t it. Healing’s a gift. Baptism in the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit’s a gift. You can receive the gift right now.
You know, you know today’s your birthday, we’ve all made up money and bought you a watch, here it is. You sit there and holler, “Well I’m waiting for it to be made manifest. I-I I believe I believe alright that they got me a watch. They said they did. I believe they did. There it is – see it all the time. I’m awaiting for it to come into manifestation. I believe it will sometime.”
Well you missed it entirely. No you see you can see with your physical eye the watch and it’s all wrapped up imagine you know in a nice package, so you can just reach out and take it and receive it, and thank us for it – and it’s your’s, right now. Not next week, not next Tuesday, not next month – now, it’s your’s. Isn’t it. I said isn’t it?
You see healing’s that way – it’s a gift.
You see, you see God has already provided healing for you. In the mind of God, you’re already healed. I said in the mind of God it’s already happened. Did you ever stop to think about it, I said did you ever stop to think about it, folks that’s not even, if Jesus tarries, people that’s not even born yet – who may be born again, you know eventually, and become children of God – in the mind of God are already children of God right now. Can you understand that? I mean that’s sort of mind-boggling but it’s true.
Because you see the bible even said – Paul writing you see to the Ephesian Christians you know, he said this – that we were accepted in Christ and and so-on, that Christ died for us before the foundation of the world.
You see God remembers when He laid our sickness and our disease on Jesus. And in the mind of God that’s, that then’s when we were healed. Then in the mind of Jesus we are already healed. Amen. Because you see “Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses” – He remembers – Jesus remembers when he took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. You see Peter then, in I Peter 2:24 looks back to the time that Jesus took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses and says, “By whose stripes ye were healed.” Now when were we healed? See, back there and then. Then that means, in the mind of Christ – now Peter is writing by the Holy Ghost – in the mind of the Holy Ghost then, the mind of God, the mind of Jesus, in the mind of the Holy Ghost, we were healed back there and then. Our healing then is already bought and paid for.
I like to say it this a way sometime: your healing – I don’t care what it is, whether it’s headache, toothache, toe ache, or cancer, or paralysis, or just the worst thing you can think of – your healing is already packaged up and got your name on it – up there, in the glory world, over in the spirit realm – got your name on it. Well why don’t I have it? Just waiting for you to come and claim it – hallelujah, praise God – and receive it – now. Now. Now. Hallelujah!
You see here it said, “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you desire [see the same principle of faith] when you pray…” When? When you pray. After you pray? No – when you pray. Right then – present tense – when you pray. Week afterwards? No. Next month? No.
When you pray, believe what? That I receive. That ye receive or I receive. Ye receive. Believe that ye receive. Believe that ye receive. How do you receive? How do you receive? By believing.
Now, now let’s look at another verse real quickly here. Let’s look at – you wear your shouting clothes today? Praise God. Hallelujah. Alright, look over here in John’s Gospel with me for just a moment, about the sixth chapter I believe it is, sixth chapter of John’s Gospel, where Jesus said, “He that believeth hath…” (47), “Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” Now I want you to notice something. Remember back over there in Romans now, with the heart man believeth. That’s true concerning salvation, but that has to be true concerning anything else you get from God – and healing is in the same plan – God’s redemptive plan – as is eternal life. The gift of God – the wages of sin is death – but the gift of God is eternal life, or everlasting life, you can say either one of, gift. Healing is like, like eternal life or everlasting life – it’s a gift too, isn’t it. I said, isn’t it? I said, isn’t it? Sure it is. It’s in the same plan.
So, then, you can read that verse like this, he that believeth, hath. He that believeth hath.
Or, you see, we don’t say hath today. In other words, he that believeth has. Or in other words you can put it this way, believing is having. Hallelujah. How to receive – how to have God’s blessings – how to have what God’s provided for you – believing is having. Isn’t it? Hallelujah!
- Transcribed by John Edwards
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