A friend of mine and I were talking about how, when he was a high school student, he was then riding the wave of new IT breakthroughs which have since become commonplace all over the world - like the internet. Recently he told high school students in Singapore that they are riding the wave of new developments which similarly could become commonplace in the future.
I mentioned that one area in which we have not seen significant improvements in recent decades is travel-time between the continents, especially since the Concorde went out of service.
So I wondered whether the idea of travel in a vacuum tunnel shouldn't be revisited. It certainly would help the causes of world missions, economics and human rights if we could travel to Singapore, New York or London in under a few hours!
The technology already exists to move a physical object that fast. The current land speed record is 10,325km/h using a rocket sled. My friend calculated that you could get to New York in under 3 hours at that speed. Even higher speeds could be achieved with a maglev train in a vacuum tunnel.
But can the human body withstand the g-forces required to accelerate to such speeds if one was to travel from say Brisbane to New York in under a few hours?
If you accelerated at the same rate as the shinkansen (2.4km/h/s) continuously to the halfway point and then began decelerating at the same rate from the halfway point until reaching your destination, the g-force on the body might be bearable, and you'd eventually reach a pretty high peak velocity - but it wouldn't cut enough time off the trip compared to traveling by air, plus it mightn't be all that comfortable a trip if you were accelerating and decelerating the whole time.
So it would be necessary to accelerate much quicker, then hold your peak velocity for longer, followed by a short period of deceleration at the end. But the limiting factor still would be the human body's ability to cope with the g-forces during acceleration and deceleration. My friend responded with the following:
"It's been a while since I've done acceleration calculations but the force of gravity (1G) causes any mass to accelerate at 9.81m/s/s (I'll round it up to 10/m/s/s for simplicity).
After 60s or 1min the velocity would be 600m/s or 36,000m/min or 2,160km/h. Because the acceleration is constant, after 2min the velocity would be 4,320km/h, after 5min the velocity would be 10,800km/h.
So if the body can withstand the force of gravity for 5min then you would be travelling at 10,800km/h. The horizontal force of gravity would just give the same feeling as lying down (whilst sitting upright).
Jetfighters travel at about 2,000km/h and I'm sure they can reach that speed in about 1min so I don't think it is unreasonable. (I just read that a MiG-29 accelerates at 10.43m/s/s: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090407224519AAMJkR5)
Someone else calculated that an Airbus A380 accelerates at 2.28m/s/s (but also that the acceleration also accelerates!). If that acceleration could be maintained for an hour the final speed would be 8,208km/h (of course at that speed you would be at your destination within an hour!). I have a feeling that the peak acceleration you feel when taking off is actually much higher than the average acceleration reported.
Nonetheless I think 5min is quite reasonable to reach 10,000km/h. The main issue will be the energy used to achieve such acceleration..."
Later my friend tried to work out the energy required to accelerate to 10,000km/h in 5min, and he concluded:
"W = Fd
W is the Work (basically the energy) required to apply a force F over a distance d.
F = ma (i.e. mass x acceleration)
Let's say we want to move 100 people all weighing 100Kg (10,000Kg total) at 10m/s/s then the constant force required would be 100,000N.
Now over what distance do we need this force to apply? That's slightly complicated because we aren't travelling at a constant speed whilst accelerating.
It takes 5min (or 300s) to reach 10,000km/h.
The distance travelled equation is:
s = a x t x t / 2
s = 10 x 300 x 300 / 2
s = 45,000m (45km)
Going back to the work equation:
W = Fd
W = 100,000 x 45,000
W = 4500MJ (mega joules)
I think if we divide the Joules by time we get Watts (although I'm not sure whether it is constant): 4,500,000,000J / 300s = 15MW.
Even though that may sound like a lot, my recent power bill showed I used 276kWh in the last quarter. And my power usage is quite low (household of one, no TV, etc.). 276kWh = 993MJ. My bill was $99.87. So basically it would only cost 4.5 times that for the acceleration component of the trip (about $450) in energy.
Of course with all these calculations I could've made a mistake somewhere! I also didn't take into account the weight of the vehicle itself and any fuel it is carrying. I think the lightest and cheapest solution would be to power it by electricity. I also didn't take into account any resistance such as friction."
And he added:
"Flight distance from Brisbane to Singapore: 6,155km.
It would take about 37min to get there plus about 10min total in the acceleration and deceleration components. That's quicker than catching the train to Brisbane airport."
I suppose the main question I still have is concerning the typical passengers' ability to cope with experiencing 1g force. Transporting freight wouldn't have the same restrictions, depending on what the freight was.
Nevertheless, let's hope something will happen to speed-up travel-time, for the sake of God's work, if God wills.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Knowing the Will of the Spirit for a Meeting
It's one thing to sense the presence of the Lord in a meeting - it's another thing to know what to do with it.
I was in a meeting recently where the Spirit of the Lord came upon the meeting-leader in such a way that the meeting-leader could barely speak. He could hardly continue with his announcements. He looked as though he was going to have difficulty standing up, so a member of the congregation brought him a chair, and he sat down.
The meeting-leader had been inviting testimonies from the congregation, so a certain young men went forward. As he began to speak, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him also in such a way that he was scarcely able to speak. He began to shake.
He sensed that God wanted to pour out His Spirit on the whole congregation, so he whispered in the meeting-leader's ear what he felt. But the meeting-leader answered, "I think you should just hand the microphone back to me." So the young man obeyed.
The meeting-leader then invited the appointed preacher forward to preach. The preacher came forward, and as he began to preach, he also was surrounded by an anointing that made it difficult for him to preach. He managed to push-through it though, and preached for quite some time.
He preached about experiencing a higher level of the glory of God in our meetings - but the meeting never quite achieved it.
Now here's the thing: the Holy Spirit doesn't strike people mute just to make a spectacle out of them. He's trying to say something!
Is it possible the Holy Spirit was making a point that He didn't want a sermon at that point in the meeting? Maybe He wanted to do something else first.
Three people were struck mute - one of them the meeting-leader; another the invited preacher. The other was a young man from the congregation who sensed that God wanted to do something special amongst the congregation. The meeting-leader and the guest-pastor felt the same touch of the Spirit that the young man felt, but did they know what to do with it?
Sometimes the Holy Spirit wants to do something extraordinary in our meetings. The Spirit does fall on congregations. He can fall on the same congregation more than once. He will even interrupt a sermon to do so, if we are sensitive to Him.
The blessing, if we yield to what He wants to do, when He wants to do it, through Him He wants to do it, for as long as He wants to do it, will be untold. And you can always preach later anyway, if you still need to. Chances are you'll preach something different to what you had planned. Or the congregation might erupt into spontaneous praise and singing.
Learn to recognize and flow with the anointing of the Spirit of God.
I was in a meeting recently where the Spirit of the Lord came upon the meeting-leader in such a way that the meeting-leader could barely speak. He could hardly continue with his announcements. He looked as though he was going to have difficulty standing up, so a member of the congregation brought him a chair, and he sat down.
The meeting-leader had been inviting testimonies from the congregation, so a certain young men went forward. As he began to speak, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him also in such a way that he was scarcely able to speak. He began to shake.
He sensed that God wanted to pour out His Spirit on the whole congregation, so he whispered in the meeting-leader's ear what he felt. But the meeting-leader answered, "I think you should just hand the microphone back to me." So the young man obeyed.
The meeting-leader then invited the appointed preacher forward to preach. The preacher came forward, and as he began to preach, he also was surrounded by an anointing that made it difficult for him to preach. He managed to push-through it though, and preached for quite some time.
He preached about experiencing a higher level of the glory of God in our meetings - but the meeting never quite achieved it.
Now here's the thing: the Holy Spirit doesn't strike people mute just to make a spectacle out of them. He's trying to say something!
Is it possible the Holy Spirit was making a point that He didn't want a sermon at that point in the meeting? Maybe He wanted to do something else first.
Three people were struck mute - one of them the meeting-leader; another the invited preacher. The other was a young man from the congregation who sensed that God wanted to do something special amongst the congregation. The meeting-leader and the guest-pastor felt the same touch of the Spirit that the young man felt, but did they know what to do with it?
Sometimes the Holy Spirit wants to do something extraordinary in our meetings. The Spirit does fall on congregations. He can fall on the same congregation more than once. He will even interrupt a sermon to do so, if we are sensitive to Him.
The blessing, if we yield to what He wants to do, when He wants to do it, through Him He wants to do it, for as long as He wants to do it, will be untold. And you can always preach later anyway, if you still need to. Chances are you'll preach something different to what you had planned. Or the congregation might erupt into spontaneous praise and singing.
Learn to recognize and flow with the anointing of the Spirit of God.
Pastoring by the Spirit
There is an anointing to stand in the office of pastor.
Pastors can be led of the Spirit in carrying-out their ministry, just as much as the evangelist or prophet are.
One day I was sitting in church, feeling quite discouraged. This happens rarely, but I was too discouraged even to go forward on the altar-call to be prayed-for by the pastoral team.
I sat there and said to myself, "If I was a pastor, and I knew one of my members was feeling the way I'm feeling right now, you know what I would do? I would step down off the stage, walk up to him, ignore everyone else in the building, and talk with him."
And before I even finished speaking my pastor stepped off the stage, walked up to me (I was sitting towards the back of the auditorium), turned around a chair to face me, and sat down and talked with me, ignoring everyone else, until they'd turned the lights out in the building and everyone else had gone home. He didn't even finish praying for others on the altar-call! I felt comforted to say the least.
That is pastoring by the Spirit!
On another occasion, a family in our church was being farewelled to begin service as missionaries. The whole family including the children came to the front of the church to be prayed for. Suddenly our pastor asked their daughter, "Is there anything you wish you could be taking with you but can't?" Little did our pastor know that she longed to take their family pet - a dog - with them, but the cost of transporting it by air was prohibitive.
So our pastor asked if anyone in the congregation wanted to help the family send their dog, to come and see him after the service.
Our pastor was no doubt led of the Spirit to ask that question.
Pastors can be supernaturally led, to effectively carry out their calling. My pastor is one who is.
Pastors can be led of the Spirit in carrying-out their ministry, just as much as the evangelist or prophet are.
One day I was sitting in church, feeling quite discouraged. This happens rarely, but I was too discouraged even to go forward on the altar-call to be prayed-for by the pastoral team.
I sat there and said to myself, "If I was a pastor, and I knew one of my members was feeling the way I'm feeling right now, you know what I would do? I would step down off the stage, walk up to him, ignore everyone else in the building, and talk with him."
And before I even finished speaking my pastor stepped off the stage, walked up to me (I was sitting towards the back of the auditorium), turned around a chair to face me, and sat down and talked with me, ignoring everyone else, until they'd turned the lights out in the building and everyone else had gone home. He didn't even finish praying for others on the altar-call! I felt comforted to say the least.
That is pastoring by the Spirit!
On another occasion, a family in our church was being farewelled to begin service as missionaries. The whole family including the children came to the front of the church to be prayed for. Suddenly our pastor asked their daughter, "Is there anything you wish you could be taking with you but can't?" Little did our pastor know that she longed to take their family pet - a dog - with them, but the cost of transporting it by air was prohibitive.
So our pastor asked if anyone in the congregation wanted to help the family send their dog, to come and see him after the service.
Our pastor was no doubt led of the Spirit to ask that question.
Pastors can be supernaturally led, to effectively carry out their calling. My pastor is one who is.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Transcript Of Interview About Investing in Israel
I transcribed this as best as I could from an interview.
"Well, Israelis are very entrepreneurial - we have very, very good ideas.
My experience as an Israeli entrepreneur is that today the flat world enables the talent - that knows how to connect to the global marketplace - that the physical location is meaningless. I believe the world now seeks talent. And if the talent exists in Jerusalem and in Israel, investors find the talent. So if you look ahead to how the world will develop, the physical locations are less important than talent.
That's one of the areas that Israel excels in. I don't know if you know, but Israel as a whole, after Canada, is the second-largest hi- tech country practically almost in the world. We have more public companies than NASDAQ - than any other European country. So when you look at how to plug into the global marketplace, Israel knows how to do that quite successfully and quite well.
There's over $2 billion invested in hi-tech companies in Israel every year as venture money, as investors - and that's practically in the last 15 years. Those investments have very strong returns. So by definition if you want to invest in the future in hi-tech and in new innovative ideas, you will want to come and you will want to take a look at Israel and in Jerusalem.
The entrepreneurs that know how to translate their ideas to business - let me give you an example of what is happening in Jerusalem: we have today - because of the strong investments in the generic research done in the Hebrew University - today we have a company that is now developing, using nanotechnology, a method to bring drugs to a special place in the body where it needs it, for example only in cancer cells; or to bring anaesthesia to an area, to only one location, with very little side-effects. These are methods that dramatically improve the ability to treat patients. These ideas are so innovative that they sometimes sound like science-fiction. And these ideas can change the world for the good.
'What do you think about security ...'
Let me share with you some facts, some statistics: Jerusalem is one of the safest cities in the world. We're a population of 800,000 people - in 2010 we had nine murders; in 2011 we had five murders; this year we have one, so far.
It's probably a combination of two things: the first is that when the economy goes up, crime goes down; and the second point which is probably quite innovative, is the way that the security forces work, and the police. Today I believe Israel knows how to manage terror and crime better than anyone. And in many, many ways we're exporting that knowledge - better than anyone!
The combination of a very, very effective, positive economy, side-by-side to extremely effective policing and security measures - the combination of the two creates one of the safest cities in the world - and one of the nicest opportunities for people to enjoy."
"Well, Israelis are very entrepreneurial - we have very, very good ideas.
My experience as an Israeli entrepreneur is that today the flat world enables the talent - that knows how to connect to the global marketplace - that the physical location is meaningless. I believe the world now seeks talent. And if the talent exists in Jerusalem and in Israel, investors find the talent. So if you look ahead to how the world will develop, the physical locations are less important than talent.
That's one of the areas that Israel excels in. I don't know if you know, but Israel as a whole, after Canada, is the second-largest hi- tech country practically almost in the world. We have more public companies than NASDAQ - than any other European country. So when you look at how to plug into the global marketplace, Israel knows how to do that quite successfully and quite well.
There's over $2 billion invested in hi-tech companies in Israel every year as venture money, as investors - and that's practically in the last 15 years. Those investments have very strong returns. So by definition if you want to invest in the future in hi-tech and in new innovative ideas, you will want to come and you will want to take a look at Israel and in Jerusalem.
The entrepreneurs that know how to translate their ideas to business - let me give you an example of what is happening in Jerusalem: we have today - because of the strong investments in the generic research done in the Hebrew University - today we have a company that is now developing, using nanotechnology, a method to bring drugs to a special place in the body where it needs it, for example only in cancer cells; or to bring anaesthesia to an area, to only one location, with very little side-effects. These are methods that dramatically improve the ability to treat patients. These ideas are so innovative that they sometimes sound like science-fiction. And these ideas can change the world for the good.
'What do you think about security ...'
Let me share with you some facts, some statistics: Jerusalem is one of the safest cities in the world. We're a population of 800,000 people - in 2010 we had nine murders; in 2011 we had five murders; this year we have one, so far.
It's probably a combination of two things: the first is that when the economy goes up, crime goes down; and the second point which is probably quite innovative, is the way that the security forces work, and the police. Today I believe Israel knows how to manage terror and crime better than anyone. And in many, many ways we're exporting that knowledge - better than anyone!
The combination of a very, very effective, positive economy, side-by-side to extremely effective policing and security measures - the combination of the two creates one of the safest cities in the world - and one of the nicest opportunities for people to enjoy."
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Hearing and Seeing
The Samaritans didn't only hear Philip - they also saw the miracles which he did.
The Apostles heard what Jesus said and saw what He did.
They couldn't help but speak of the things which they'd both SEEN and HEARD.
Paul's preaching was not in word only but also in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
After His ascension, Jesus worked with the apostles, confirming the word with signs following. There was both the word and signs.
On the day of Pentecost, the Lord Jesus poured out the Spirit in a way that was both seen and heard.
Just as the high priest returned to bless the people after sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat in the holy of holies, so Jesus poured out the blessing of the Spirit after He ascended to heaven having made atonement for us and received the promise of the Father.
The blood bears witness for us in heaven.
The outpouring of the Spirit is an overflow of Christ's glorification in heaven.
Christ's shared pre-creation glory with the Father was restored to Him when He ascended. Having received the Spirit - the Spirit is the glory of God - He poured Him (the glory) out.
The glory (the Spirit) was both seen and heard.
We glorify God in the Son and the Son in the Father by asking in His name. Jesus will, as an act of His will, do whatever we ask. This glorifies the Father.
The works that Jesus did shall we do also and greater works than these shall we do because He has returned to the Father.
We glorify God by bearing much fruit.
Desire and ask for ministry works - Jesus will do them - and you shall glorify the Father.
Seeing AND hearing!
The Apostles heard what Jesus said and saw what He did.
They couldn't help but speak of the things which they'd both SEEN and HEARD.
Paul's preaching was not in word only but also in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
After His ascension, Jesus worked with the apostles, confirming the word with signs following. There was both the word and signs.
On the day of Pentecost, the Lord Jesus poured out the Spirit in a way that was both seen and heard.
Just as the high priest returned to bless the people after sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat in the holy of holies, so Jesus poured out the blessing of the Spirit after He ascended to heaven having made atonement for us and received the promise of the Father.
The blood bears witness for us in heaven.
The outpouring of the Spirit is an overflow of Christ's glorification in heaven.
Christ's shared pre-creation glory with the Father was restored to Him when He ascended. Having received the Spirit - the Spirit is the glory of God - He poured Him (the glory) out.
The glory (the Spirit) was both seen and heard.
We glorify God in the Son and the Son in the Father by asking in His name. Jesus will, as an act of His will, do whatever we ask. This glorifies the Father.
The works that Jesus did shall we do also and greater works than these shall we do because He has returned to the Father.
We glorify God by bearing much fruit.
Desire and ask for ministry works - Jesus will do them - and you shall glorify the Father.
Seeing AND hearing!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Friday, 5 October 2012
Is Sunday the New Sabbath?
Going to church on the first day of the week was not taught to the early church by the Apostles as the new weekly sabbath - rather, going to church on the first day of the week was for them a means of supporting each other's faith that Christ Himself (and their relationship with Him) was the real, once-for-all, unending, eternal sabbath Who fulfilled the symbolism of the temporary Old Testament seventh-day sabbath.
covenant theology,
Faith in Full Fruition
These thoughts I learned from a sermon by Kenneth E. Hagin today:
On one occasion, the disciples were unable to cast out an evil spirit. They had previously been given power and authority over all evil spirits. And yet they could not cast it out. It's possible for our experience to fall short of the highest level of power and authority that we have been granted.
Why? they asked Jesus. Because of their unbelief, came the answer. We can either have faith or we can have doubt. It's up to us. Doubt will keep our experience lower than our potential.
Peter's doubt hindered him from continuing in the fullest experience of what was possible for him, when he walked on the water. Jesus saved him - but that wasn't the highest and best - he could have kept walking on the water had he not feared and doubted.
Jesus said, "Let us pass over to the other side". A storm arose. The disciples feared. Jesus rebuked the winds and waves, and saved them. As marvellous as that was, it was not God's highest and best experience for them. God wanted them to go to the other side on their own faith, without having to wake-up Jesus.
Desire God's best and highest. Constantly refuse doubt. Continue. Receive full fruition of what God's Word says.
On one occasion, the disciples were unable to cast out an evil spirit. They had previously been given power and authority over all evil spirits. And yet they could not cast it out. It's possible for our experience to fall short of the highest level of power and authority that we have been granted.
Why? they asked Jesus. Because of their unbelief, came the answer. We can either have faith or we can have doubt. It's up to us. Doubt will keep our experience lower than our potential.
Peter's doubt hindered him from continuing in the fullest experience of what was possible for him, when he walked on the water. Jesus saved him - but that wasn't the highest and best - he could have kept walking on the water had he not feared and doubted.
Jesus said, "Let us pass over to the other side". A storm arose. The disciples feared. Jesus rebuked the winds and waves, and saved them. As marvellous as that was, it was not God's highest and best experience for them. God wanted them to go to the other side on their own faith, without having to wake-up Jesus.
Desire God's best and highest. Constantly refuse doubt. Continue. Receive full fruition of what God's Word says.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Is the Double Fulfilment Hermeneutic Biblical?
A lot of popular modern ideas about End-Times are derived from the view that Bible-prophecies will have a second fulfilment. But is that really Scriptural?
For example, the Bible prophesied that the Temple would be rebuilt, and it was - but some assert that a replica 'temple' must be built in future.
The Bible prophesied that the Jews would be regathered to the land of Israel after the Babylonian captivity, and they were - but some say it is being fulfilled with end-times significance now.
The Bible prophesied that 'Elias' would come, and Jesus said he indeed came (John the Baptist) - but some say he will come again in the last days.
The Bible prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed and Jerusalem would undergo great tribulation, and it has - but some are expecting it to happen again.
Those things are now history. It's been fulfilled. But is it valid to say a second and real fulfilment will happen again at some time in the future? perhaps in our generation?
If that's a valid way of interpreting Bible prophecy, there should be an example of that method being used in the Bible. But can you think of a Bible example?
Some cite Isaiah's prophecy that "the virgin shall conceive". They say it was fulfilled twice: once when Isaiah's wife conceived; and secondly, when Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit. But only one of those women was a virgin when she conceived, right?
Others cite the verse, "Out of Egypt have I called my son". They say it was fulfilled twice: once when Israel was brought out of Egypt, and the second time when Jesus returned to Israel out of Egypt. But in its source text, this was not a predictive prophecy. It was a statement about Israel's past, written hundreds of years after Israel had already come out of Egypt - it was never a prediction about Israel's future. The return of Jesus out of Egypt bore some similarities, but it was not a second fulfilment of a prediction. There was never even a first fulfilment of the prediction, because it was never written as a prediction at all - it was only ever a statement about the past.
Others cite the verse in Psalms where David wrote, "They pierced my hands and my feet". They say it was fulfilled twice: once in David's own experience, and secondly in Jesus' experience. But David's hands and feet were never pierced. Being a prophet, David spoke not about himself, Peter tells us, but about the Lord. It had only one literal fulfilment.
So there isn't really any precedent in the Bible that I can see where a predictive prophecy about a future event came to pass multiple times or even two times. Predictive prophecies in the Bible all came to pass once and once only.
Therefore I think many of the prophecies popularly thought to be about still-future events may actually have already had their fulfilment. And this adjusts our view of what is still to come. It adjusts our concept of end-times events.
Failure to distinguish between fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy may be the reason why so many modern end-times predictions fail. It's as if they're expecting something to happen which has in fact already happened.
It also takes away from our appreciation of the Gospel. Imagine if I gave you a Users Manual for your latest iPhone, but you thought it was a prediction about Apple's next iPhone. Instead of helping you to appreciate the phone in your hand, it would leave you confused when Apple never seems to bring-out the next phone you thought you should be expecting.
Similarly, those Bible prophecies which you thought might be for the future, were in fact all about Jesus and the Gospel and the covenant which we now live in.
Understanding this distinction achieves three things:
One, it helps you avoid the repeat cycle of failing predictions and wacky ideas about the future;
Two, it helps you appreciate the blessings of your salvation; and
Three, it equips you to convince unbelievers, using the Scriptures, that Jesus and the Gospel is the real thing.
"Rightly dividing the word" helps you to avoid, appreciate and convince!
Making Decisions
A good friend asked me something like:
"There's a leaders' lunch on next Sunday. Can I go? Brother I_____ is asking for confirmation by today or tomorrow."
"If you feel led to," I answered.
"I think I want to. And I think I should go. I'm letting you know because that will affect our schedule," she said.
"Yeah, sounds appropriate," I said, "So just check how you feel in your spirit. And if you feel a green light, then why not!"
I explained: "Emotion (wanting to go) and obligation (feeling you should go) are never good reasons for decision-making. The best reason for a decision is if, after checking-in with the Holy Spirit, He gives your spirit a smooth, nice, 'go' feeling. If you weren't meant to go, you'd instead be feeling an awkward sense of dread in your spirit."
"Yes," she answered.
Then I gave an illustration from my own recent experience.
"You know how I felt uncomfortable committing to do that lecture for brother J_____ next Tuesday? Remember I wondered whether there might be something else that I might be meant to do on that day which I didn't know about yet?"
"Uh huh," she said.
"Well...last night brother A_____ contacted me, inviting me to go to Ipswich on Tuesday and attend two meetings, then stay overnight in his house, then he wants to bring a group to the Gold Coast to attend our Soak meeting on Wednesday night. At the same time, I'll be able to inspect my house."
"Wow! Thats great!" she exclaimed.
"He wants me to minister the Holy Spirit in two meetings."
She smiled.
"I would have felt pretty bad last night, after hearing that, if I'd [already] committed to brother J_____ without being sure I was meant to commit," I pointed-out.
"Yes," she said understandingly, "Good on you..."
"It was really hard seeing brother J_____ walk away from me on Sunday, seeing his disappointment; and seeing the look of 'I'm not sure about all this,' on sister I_____'s face," I revealed.
"Yes, I know - and people might not understand that, but the Lord knows," she said.
And she mentioned that she's had similar experiences.
"It will be good for her to know that even though we dont understand things, the Lord knows. All we need to do is yield," she affirmed.
"Yes," I said, "'The spirit of man is the candle [the lamp, the searching light, the revealing light, the guiding-light] of the Lord', says the Book of Proverbs."
"Yes," she said.
"The spirit of man! Our own spirit! God's Spirit registers His feelings on our own spirit," I said.
"That's right. The real us! the inner man," she said.
"Even non-Christians who are dead in trespasses and sins - they still sense what God is impressing on their spirit. That's how we come to Christ," I said.
"Exactly," she said.
"If God can draw a sinner through his spirit, how much more can He guide us, now that our spirit has been made alive to God, and His Spirit actually lives in our spirit and we are one spirit with the Lord!" I added.
Give and It Shall Be Given Unto You
LUKE 6:38
38 Give, and it [whatever it is you have given] shall [certainly, definitely] be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over [a full, more than adequate supply], shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
It works!
When I once gave away a single Royal Doulton plate, within approximately a week, someone gave me a box full of plates, many of them collectibles.
When I once gave away a book, the next day someone invited me to go to their house and take whatever books I wanted. I came home with a ute-load of books, many of them Christian classics.
When I once contributed towards someone buying a pair of shoes, within a few days someone gave me a lot of shoes - more than enough for me - exactly the types I desired.
When I gave away a guitar, I had another guitar to use in the meantime, but a year or two later someone gave me a guitar and case - a more expensive guitar than the one I'd given away.
When I declined a nice meal because I'd decided to fast that day, a few days later someone shared a delicious meal with me.
When I once relinquished a silver watch, five days later I was given a much better silver watch with twelve diamonds worth $2,000.
Anyone who has left home, homeland, family, friends, a special relationship, business and local ministry to go and serve the Lord, has gained an hundredfold homes, homelands, families, friends, businesses and ministries.
The Father gave His only Son, and now many sons are being brought to glory!
Jesus gave His own life - now He sees His seed, and He is sprinkling many nations.
The merciful man will be shown mercy. The judgmental person will be shown judgment.
Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
What can you give today, and with what measure? It shall be given back to you again.
Give your life to Jesus, live a life of obedience to the Spirit, and you will also reap life eternally!
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Church Discipline
MATTHEW 18:10-18
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Take heed that ye - The first person you have to take heed to is yourself. Watch your attitude towards one person.
These little ones - your status makes no difference. You might be a Jew, he might be Greek; you might be male, she might be female; you might be a Pastor, he might not be; you might be older, he might be a child. It matters not. You still have to deal with it the right way.
Every individual person is registered in heaven; and the way you treat every individual person is being subjected to heaven's scrutiny.
What is heaven's attitude? The next verse shows us.
11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
The Son of man is come - He came, heaven took the initiative. Heaven's attitude is one of initiative-taking. Don't wait for the brother who has sinned against you to come to you. You go to him.
To save that which was lost - Heaven's objective is never to reject, but always to restore. Not just to accurately point-out a person's sin, but to take all the initiative to see the person successfully restored.
12 How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
The importance of one.
Like a shepherd who does not passively and carelessly wait for the lost sheep to return - you ought to display an attitude of deliberately taking the initiative in order to procure reconciliation with your brother.
13 And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
The true joy of personal relationships and church-life is not just about who stays with you, although that's great - it's more about who was lost, and who have you gone and looked for, and who have you successfully brought back into the church or into your life - that's the greater joy! That's part of what shepherding is all about. In fact, it's the priority of true shepherding.
14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
Heaven's attitude is that not one relationship be broken and not one member be lost from the church. Express the Father's heart, not only for those who have stayed with you in the church or in your life, but more importantly for those who have left.
15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
Go - you take the initiative: don't wait for him to come to you.
Between thee and him alone - deal with it privately: don't discuss his sin with others. Don't do it. Not even as an object lesson for others. Privately.
Gained thy brother - that is the objective: to gain your brother. That ought to be your heart too.
16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
Take with thee - notice it is still you who is to take the initiative - don't wait for your brother to take the initiative, even after he has not responded to your initial attempt at initiating reconciliation. Take one or two other eyewitnesses with you, and go to him again.
One or two more - not the whole church but just one or two more. The matter is still to be dealt with as privately as possible.
Two or three witnesses - the one or two people you take with you are to be eyewitnesses of your brother's sin - not people who didn't know about his sin until you gossiped to them about him.
17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Only after two private attempts at reconciliation by eyewitnesses must the matter be told publicly to the church.
Then the church in agreement must corporately speak to the brother.
A brother should not be excluded from fellowship or from attendance at meetings unless, with an attitude of initiative-taking and with the objective of reconcilation:
* the brother was first approached privately; and
* two or three eyewitnesses went with you and approached the person privately; and
* the whole church is in agreement and has officially spoken to the person together about his sin.
If you deal with it any other way, then you yourself have sinned against your brother.
Wrong ways of dealing with a brother's sin include:
* Discussing his sin with someone else before discussing it with your brother privately first;
* Failing to take the initiative at reconciliation but waiting for your brother to come to you; and
* Excluding your brother from fellowship or from attendance at meetings before the whole church agrees with the action and has officially spoken together to the brother about it first.
If you remember that you have sinned against your brother in one or more of those ways, then you ought to first go to your brother and be reconciled with him, before dealing with the issue of his sin against you. Deal with your own sin first, even if you are a leader and he is not; even if you are older than him; even if your sin is not as bad as his.
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
When church-discipline is approached in the above manner, it will bear heaven's stamp of approval.
Whatever you do will be watched by heaven.
Anyone can easily point-out a brother's sins, and think he is wise for doing so - but true, heavenly wisdom has the skill of seeing a brother actually restored - restored to you and to the church.
In conclusion, if we feel someone has sinned against us, we are to take the initiative in approaching him; and if we become aware that we have sinned against someone else, we are to take the initiative in approaching him. So there is no excuse for inaction. No matter what the case is, the responsibility for taking the initiative rests with us - at least until the third attempt done in a Biblical manner.
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