Friday, 5 October 2012

Faith in Full Fruition

These thoughts I learned from a sermon by Kenneth E. Hagin today:

On one occasion, the disciples were unable to cast out an evil spirit. They had previously been given power and authority over all evil spirits. And yet they could not cast it out. It's possible for our experience to fall short of the highest level of power and authority that we have been granted.

Why? they asked Jesus. Because of their unbelief, came the answer. We can either have faith or we can have doubt. It's up to us. Doubt will keep our experience lower than our potential.

Peter's doubt hindered him from continuing in the fullest experience of what was possible for him, when he walked on the water. Jesus saved him - but that wasn't the highest and best - he could have kept walking on the water had he not feared and doubted.

Jesus said, "Let us pass over to the other side". A storm arose. The disciples feared. Jesus rebuked the winds and waves, and saved them. As marvellous as that was, it was not God's highest and best experience for them. God wanted them to go to the other side on their own faith, without having to wake-up Jesus.

Desire God's best and highest. Constantly refuse doubt. Continue. Receive full fruition of what God's Word says.

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