The Samaritans didn't only hear Philip - they also saw the miracles which he did.
The Apostles heard what Jesus said and saw what He did.
They couldn't help but speak of the things which they'd both SEEN and HEARD.
Paul's preaching was not in word only but also in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
After His ascension, Jesus worked with the apostles, confirming the word with signs following. There was both the word and signs.
On the day of Pentecost, the Lord Jesus poured out the Spirit in a way that was both seen and heard.
Just as the high priest returned to bless the people after sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat in the holy of holies, so Jesus poured out the blessing of the Spirit after He ascended to heaven having made atonement for us and received the promise of the Father.
The blood bears witness for us in heaven.
The outpouring of the Spirit is an overflow of Christ's glorification in heaven.
Christ's shared pre-creation glory with the Father was restored to Him when He ascended. Having received the Spirit - the Spirit is the glory of God - He poured Him (the glory) out.
The glory (the Spirit) was both seen and heard.
We glorify God in the Son and the Son in the Father by asking in His name. Jesus will, as an act of His will, do whatever we ask. This glorifies the Father.
The works that Jesus did shall we do also and greater works than these shall we do because He has returned to the Father.
We glorify God by bearing much fruit.
Desire and ask for ministry works - Jesus will do them - and you shall glorify the Father.
Seeing AND hearing!
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