Friday, 5 April 2013

How To See Manifestations of the Spirit

As I think about ministers throughout history who saw manifestations of the Holy Spirit in their meetings, I can think of one thing they all did in common which resulted in those manifestations:

They gave time in their meetings for the Holy Spirit to move. Deliberately.

As I think about ministers who didn't see such manifestations of the Spirit in their ministries, I can think of one thing which each of them didn't do:

They didn't give time in their meetings for the Holy Spirit to manifest. Not deliberately.

Both groups of ministers may have prayed, fasted, spoken the Word, and lived holy lives. But only one group allocated time for the Holy Spirit to manifest.

Everyone who deliberately allocated time for the Holy Spirit to manifest, saw the Holy Spirit manifest.

No-one who allocated time for the Holy Spirit to manifest was disappointed.

Anyone today who deliberately allocates time for the Holy Spirit to manifest, will see a manifestation of the Spirit. No-one who does so will be disappointed.

So the question is: do you desire it? Do you value the manifestation of the Spirit enough to desire it?

Some ministers it seems are happy without it. It therefore pays to meditate on its value.

But for all who value Him and desire His manifestation, the good news is that all you have to do is deliberately give Him time to manifest, and He will.

You can see this principle illustrated in the ministries of the apostles and prophets, Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Evan Roberts, Benny Hinn, and many others.

Now the same principle can be expressed through your meetings and through your ministry too, if you desire it:

If you deliberately make room for it, you will see the manifestation of the Spirit, and God shall be glorified.

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