God is just as much interested in Israel as He ever was.
Jesus Christ is just as much interested in Israel as He ever was.
Israelis are every bit as beloved for the fathers' sakes as ever they were.
God is still interested in them individually. He's still interested in them ethnically. He's still interested in them nationally and politically. He's still interested in them having a homeland. He's still interested in their houses and in their economy.
He's still interested in giving them the Kingdom of God.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ didn't diminish God's interest in Israel - it summarises God's interest in Israel.
The Gospel is the fulfilment of the promise to Abraham.
It's the fulfilment of the Law.
It's the fulfilment of the Prophets.
It's God's best program for Israelis.
The Gospel is the best hope God has ever had for Israelis and it's the best hope He will ever offer them.
It can't get any better than this! The glorious Gospel.
The Gospel isn't Plan B.
There won't be a better plan to follow.
The Gospel is the prime. The zenith. The apex.
It's the glory that excels.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Jesus is coming!
And God is no less interested in Gentiles than He is or ever was in Jews.
In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile.
He is just as much interested in one believer's welfare - in every sense, eternal and temporal - as He is interested in another's - without making a distinction.
His plans don't and won't involve a return to shadows - a return to the Law - a return to ancient symbolic Jewish feasts.
God's promised plan was, and now is, and always shall be nothing other than Jesus Christ - for all.
Christ is all and in all.
Christ is all and in all.
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