Monday, 26 May 2014

Laughing in the Spirit is Prayer/Warfare

A bunch of young people were on the floor laughing in the spirit for a long time.

I remarked to a friend, "This is prayer".

Another friend of mine shared a similar understanding he had about a similar incident. The incident took place at a time when it seemed many in the church were in a bad mood - "under attack" as he called it. So they called a prayer meeting.

Before praying they decided to put on a worship CD and play two or three songs. As soon as they did so the Holy Spirit fell. Many began laughing in the spirit. They never did get to 'praying' - they just laughed the night away or enjoyed the Holy Spirit. Yet afterwards many of their problems seemed pretty-much solved.

My friend told me that God said to him, "This is warfare".

Laughter in the spirit is prayer. It's warfare.

Warfare doesn't necessarily mean we always attack the enemy, because the victory is in fact already won - warfare often means we simply stand our ground in faith. And what better way to express faith than to laugh? Therefore laughing in the spirit is warfare, it's prayer, it's an expression of victory.

Include receiving from the Holy Spirit, into your prayer meetings. God didn't save us by grace rather than by works only to expect us to pray as work rather than with grace!

There are many types of prayer. Soaking in the Holy Spirit - interacting with the Holy Spirit - expressing the Holy Spirit - are in fact forms of prayer. He knows the best blend of receiving-prayer, prophetic-prayer and petitioning-prayer. Some things can be solved with soaking in the Holy Spirit quicker than by petitioning-prayer alone.

So let's make the Holy Spirit part of our prayer meetings, on purpose.

It's more refreshing!

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