Saturday, 4 October 2014

Saved by Faith

It wasn't mere coincidence that the Jewish Feasts coincided with the Northern Hemisphere's seasons. The Feasts' synchronisation with the seasons was deliberate and an intrinsic part of the Feasts' performance and meaning.

For example the Feast of Passover involved bringing an offering of the season's first barley; the Feast of Pentecost involved bringing an offering of the season's first wheat; and the Feast of Trumpets commemorated the end of one harvest-year and the beginning of another.

They couldn't keep the Feasts six months later and still do the same things: it would make it seasonally impossible. It would also destroy the symbolism.

Christ's resurrection couldn't be understood as a forerunner of our future resurrection, if the Feast which symbolised it didn't coincide with the firstfruits of the barley harvest.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit as a marker of the beginning of the worldwide harvest couldn't have been symbolised by the Feast of Pentecost if the Feast didn't coincide with the beginning of the wheat harvest.

The coming of Christ at the end of the world couldn't be symbolised by the Feast of Trumpets if the Feast didn't coincide with the end of the agricultural year.

God dwelling with His people forever in new heavens and a new earth after the former earth has passed away couldn't have been symbolised by the Feast of Tabernacles if the Feast didn't coincide with the beginning of a new agricultural year.

Obviously then the Feasts were never intended for Southern Hemisphere observation - only for the Northern.

Furthermore the seasonal offerings were required to be offered exclusively at the holy Temple in Jerusalem - nowhere else was allowed. But that Temple doesn't exist any more.

Even if a temple is rebuilt in future, no-one could serve legitimately as a priest since the genealogies required to authenticate the priests' lineage from Levi have been lost.

No detail was ever allowed to be omitted, added or altered.

So that means the Feasts cannot and never again can be kept legitimately by anyone, anywhere at any time. And it means God didn't intend for us to - because God wouldn't require anything which is impossible.

He doesn't intend us to, because Christ fulfilled them, and since Christ fulfilled them, it is not God's intention that anyone anywhere at any time continue, resume or begin keeping the Feasts, that the promise made to Abraham, made before Israel was born and before the Law was given, to save all nations through his seed (singular) which is Christ, through faith, might be fulfilled.

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