Jewish Feasts were not
in sync with Southern Hemisphere seasons; plus God's Law forbade offering the
seasonal Feast offerings any place besides the altar which was in the Temple at
Jerusalem. Moral of the story: Jesus is the real thing, He is everything and He
is enough.
Even if a replica
temple gets rebuilt in Jerusalem in future, still Feast offerings could not
legitimately be offered in it, seeing no-one today can produce a genealogy proving his
descent from Levi, as required by God's Law in order to authenticate one's priesthood
and to officiate at the altar. Which means: it was never God's intention that
anyone, anywhere continued, resumes, nor begins keeping the Feasts as Moses's
Law required, ever again, after Jesus came. The Feasts were only a shadow of
the real thing: which is Jesus.
Therefore any
doctrine, prophetic system or eschatology which requires anyone, including
Israel, to keep the Feasts as Moses' Law instructed - either now or in the
future - is a misinterpretation of the Prophets and a misapplication of the Law
to our day.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is by itself the perfect fulfilment of the Prophets and the perfect application of the Law that was intended for our day, and for any
future day, in any place and by any people. Just the glorious Gospel of Christ!
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