Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Isaiah 60

The return from captivity was an event so magnificent only the Exodus from Egypt could have eclipsed it. The language used to describe the restoration from exile was full of superlatives and grandiose imagery and symbolism. It had to be - the persecuted Jews who had been scattered through all 127 provinces from Ethiopia to India would need all the encouragement they could get to believe for their own repatriation to their own land!

The prophets weren't blind to the fact however that Israel would again experience decline. That's one reason the messenger John the Baptist was sent ahead of Messiah to preach repentance and to prepare His way. John achieved nationwide results.

Then Jesus began His ministry by quoting Isaiah 61 - and He made and baptised even more disciples than John.  It was phenomenal. God was fulfilling His promises to Israel.

But still not all believed. The Prophets foresaw that as well.

Gentiles began to get saved. The prophets had foreseen that as well.

Point: God always did what He said He would do, for the people for whom He said He would do it, at the place where He said He would do it, at the time He said He would do it, and in the way He said He would do it. 

But Dispensationalism, a-Millennialism, and Post-Millennialism seem to blur the nominated timeframes or identities in many such prophecies.

It's true many Old Testament things in Israel were shadows of the Church - but the history had to happen before they could be a type.

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