Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Why Getting Fulfilled Prophecy Right Matters

It's true that all the promises given to Israel can be inherited spiritually by the Church, in Christ. But that's only possible because the package had first of all been delivered to its address. If there wasn't the fulfilment of promises in and for Israelites first, then any extension that I make to myself can't be valid either. 

Why this matters:
1. It demonstrates God's faithfulness
2. It proves Jesus fulfilled the historical, geographical and spiritual criteria of the messiah
3. It authenticates the Church and describes the process by which it came to be. It shows why we can claim the same blessings spiritually.

4. It helps avoid incorrect expectations about the future (such as the expectation that Levitical worship must be resumed in future; and possibly adjusts certain expectations regarding the Church's achievements in world politics in future athough not necessarily).

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