Monday, 16 March 2015

Continuation of Covenant?

In Contract Law you can't have two contracts covering the same thing at the same time.

The bringing-in of a new contract implies the old contract is over - completely over.

Even if the new contract includes many of the same clauses as the old contract, that does not mean the old contract has continued - it's still a whole new contract, and the old contract is annulled completely.

In that case what continues is not the old contract, not even part of the old contract - what continues is the nature of the Person who wrote the contracts.

God's nature is love. Therefore love is the fulfilling of the underlying ethics of either contract.

But the new contract is what achieved that outcome, not the old, because it is the new contract which recreated believing Israelites after God's own nature, then Gentiles also became participants in the same contract, forming one new man, thus fulfilling prophecies given about all nations before Israel ever became a nation and before the first contract was even given.

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