Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Now to Have Better Meetings

The Holy Spirit has gifts which He likes to bring to your church services:

Words of wisdom; words of knowledge; faith; gifts of healing; the working of miracles; prophecy; discerning of spirits; divers kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues (see I Cor.12:7-11).

You can see these gifts expressed in your meetings!

One night after our home-meeting was finished, every one else was having their supper - but I felt dissatisfied. I felt that in Bible-times they saw better things happen in their meetings.

Someone saw me staring, and she asked me, "Do you have a [prophetic] word for me?"

I said, "No - but do you want one?"

I felt so hungry for the expression of the Spirit that I determined to ask God to give me a prophecy for her.

So the two of us began to pray together, and straightaway the Holy Spirit inspired me with some special words to say to her. She felt so encouraged! And I started to feel my hunger satisfied.

Pretty soon every one who was having their supper joined us. We all prayed for each other, one at a time - and the Holy Spirit gave to each of us visions or prophetic words to share with every one. Even some people who had never received such a gift from the Holy Spirit before received and expressed it. It surprised even themselves! (Only one person in the group did not say anything.)

By the end of it everyone felt so encouraged - and so satisfied with being used by the Lord. 

We found that once we deliberately gave time for the expression of the Holy Spirit, the meeting was really only just beginning - even though officially it had actually just finished.

Imagine how much blessing we would have missed that night if we had not deliberately asked for and made room for the Holy Spirit!

You can see the wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit received and expressed in your meetings by asking for it then deliberately making room for it - even if you've never received such a gift from the Holy Spirit before!

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