Friday, 17 April 2015

God's Overproduction

Today I saw seeds washed up in a wave of the ocean. The seeds likely won't be viable, due to the salt water.

I wondered why God made it that not all seeds will have the opportunity to sprout.

I realised that God has made it that more seeds are produced than will become plants. Way more.

Not that they're without use - they become compost!

But God is into over-supply.

One lesson from this is that God supplies abundantly. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask and think.

But another thought I had about it today was that not every seed is meant to sprout - not everything is meant to reach its potential.

God made it that a plant produces many seeds - not because He wishes every seed to reproduce, but so that at least one seed might have a good chance.

Men produce hundreds of millions of sperm, even though only one is required to fertilise his wife's egg - not that every sperm is meant to result in reproduction, but so there is a better chance that at least one might. And he keeps producing sperm even though his wife may already be pregnant.

So every gift in our life is not necessarily meant to be used to its full capacity all the time. It might be that that gift exists in our life so that on the one occassion when God might will for it to be used in His purposes, it has the best chance of actually being used.

We're not meant to reach our full potential in every area!

If I make it my objective to make sure every seed succeeds at reproducing, I'll be inbalanced - I won't have time to do other important things. I won't even be able to look after that one seedling which I was meant to look after successfully.

Some gifts in our lives are there to enhance our purpose in another area, rather than to become the focus of our life.

You don't have to be producing to the full in everything all the time!

Don't put that demand on yourself. Rest in the Lord.

It's in God's character to over-supply - even to oversupply your gifts and capabilities. Even in nature.

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