Saturday, 18 April 2015

Publicly Speaking With Tongues

There is a place for the public ministry of speaking with tongues in church.

28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, DIVERSITIES OF TONGUES.

One time a friend of mine was about to preach in church - but before he began, he told the congregation that he intended to speak with tongues first and that a certain member of the congregation would then interpret.

So my friend proceeded to speak with tongues - and then handed the microphone over.

" 'Come and be healed - be healed physically and emotionally,' says the Lord," came the interpretation.

Then my friend responded to that interpretation, before preaching, by inviting anyone forward for healing. Many people went forward and were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. There were tears, people were unable to stand, there was joy - and a demon came out of somebody.

It was a great move of God! After that demonstration of the Spirit and of power, people were all the more eager to hear what my friend had to preach about.

None of that would have happened if my friend had thought that speaking with tongues ought to be relegated to somewhere other than in regular church meetings.

It wouldn't have happened if he'd mistakenly thought that speaking with tongues is a turn-off to unbelievers, rather than a sign to unbelievers (see I Cor.14:22).

It wouldn't have happened if he had not deliberately made room for it during the church service.

We wouldn't have seen the healings and expressions of the Spirit which we saw if he had not responded to the interpretation by immediately allocating time in the service for everyone to respond.

What he did didn't take anything away from the service - it added to it, enhanced it.

You too can make room for speaking with tongues - not only in your private prayer life, but also in your public church meetings and outreaches.

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