Thursday, 30 April 2015

Things Pertaining to or of the Spirit

Notes and thoughts while listening to a Kenneth E. Hagin message:

There are gifts, administrations and operations of the Spirit.

All of them are manifestations of the Spirit.

All of them are also gifts in a general sense, though only some of them are gifts in a specific sense.

In a specific sense, prophecy, gifts of healings, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues are gifts - because they are operated by the person.

Instructions are given concerning the operation of prophecy, tongues and the interpretation of tongues - because they can be operated by the person.

If a peerson couldn't operate them, there would have been no need to give instructions regarding their operation.

But notice there are no instructions given regarding the word of wisdom or the word of knowledge - because those are operated as the Spirit wills.

But Paul would that they all spake with tongues. He said ye may all prophesy. All may pray that he may interpret. Believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

Once a person has been baptised with the Holy Spirit and received the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues (there are other evidences, but tongues is the initial evidence) the gift remains with him as a continuous stream.

"I will pray with the spirit (that is, in tongues)" indicates volition. There is no stronger indication of intent in the English language than "I will".

You can pray with tongues at will. You're speaking to God, not to yourself or to men. You edify yourself.

Receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit is the word of wisdom in manifestation.

God hath set some in the church...diversities of tongues. These are persons with public ministries. Not everyone will have that public ministry. But all may speak with tongues.

The working of miracles and faith are another category.

The manifestation of the Spirit doesn't come through fasting and prayer, but through instruction in the Word about it, and through coveting and desiring it.

Do not let the things of the Spirit slip, but act on it. Some of you have finally - after hours, days, weeks, months or years - moved and acted as the Spirit told you to. There shall be a fresh flowing in the Spirit.

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