Saturday, 9 May 2015

Step Out in Faith!

Ask God, "Is there anything you would like me to do?" 

And expect an answer within two weeks!

I asked God. A few days later when I was driving to work, admiring my car, God said, "...give it away". And I knew who I had to give it to.

Then when I got to work that morning, God started speaking to me again, "It's time you gave notice in your job".

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just go wherever I tell you to go, and preach the Gospel," He answered.

"How am I going to live?" I asked.

"...just trust me - I'll provide everything," He said. 

So that day I gave notice in my job. Then after work I drove over to a friend's place who I felt led to give the car to.

I didn't tell him at first why I was there. But the first thing he said to me was, "John, my wife and I have been praying - we're really asking God to give us a car".

With that confirmation, I threw him the car keys, "It's all yours," I said.

In my spirit I knew I was to go to four towns, and I was to take five weeks to do it. Problem was I didn't know anyone in any of the towns except the last one. I had to just step out in faith trusting God alone for everything.

So I bought a one-way coach ticket. The very first people I met invited me into their home. In the next town a family had been shown by God that someone would be coming and that they were to look after him when he arrived. They were even shown my face and what colour shirt I'd be wearing. Sometimes within hours of arriving in a town, doors opened for me to preach in churches, schools and youth groups. I never needed to spend one cent. 

In the 20+ years since then I've been sent on many adventures, some lasting an hour, or a day, a few days, several weeks, or a year or longer - both nearby and far away. And God has always provided everything, just like He said.

Ask God what He wants you to do.

Expect an answer within two weeks.

Stay appropriately related to others.

Get the timing right.

Then step out in faith!

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