Saturday, 7 November 2015

About the Millennium

1. Paul said prophecies had to be judged. Judged by whom? By other prophets standing by. By what standard? By the words of Jesus. By the Apostles' doctrine. By the Scriptures of the Prophets. And by anything that was revealed to other prophets standing by.

Peter said no prophecy of the Scriptures was of private interpretation. That means it didn't come from the prophets' own ideas but from the Spirit. But Peter also said they had a more sure word of prophecy. Meaning, through the Lord, with the Holy Spirit, the Apostles were able to interpret Prophecy authoritatively.

So that would apply to the Book of Revelation. Like any prophecy, it should stand the test of judgement, from an authoritative source. Judgement by whom? By other prophets and apostles. But no Biblical Apostles wrote a commentary on Revelation. So by what standard can it be judged? By the already-established theology of the Apostles, and of the Lord, and of the Old Testament Prophets.

Wouldn't that mean the Book of Revelation must be understood within the framework of theology which can be established in the Bible, independently of the Book of Revelation itself? Or can it legitimately add theology not mentioned anywhere else in Scripture?

2. The Millennium is said to be required in order to fulfil God's Kingdom-promises. But Jesus said only the born-again will see the Kingdom of God. So how can there be unsaved people in the Millennium who will be deceived by Satan to attack the camp of the saints?

3. The Millennial reign is said to bring the salvation of national Israel. But Jesus warned His Jewish audience that it will be too late for people who aren't ready when the Son of Man comes. So how can Jews get saved during the Millennium?

4. The Millennial reign is said to be required in order to fulfil Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel. But those prophecies described Israel observing the Levitical sacrificial system, which was later superseded by the New Covenant. So how can the fulfilment of those prophecies be in the future?
5. It is said that animal sacrifices will be made during the Millennium as a memorial. But the only memorial Jesus' instituted was the Lord's Table - and only till He comes. Once He comes we won't need a memorial any more, for we shall see Him as He is, face to face.

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